One Hundred Thirty Six

89 4 1

When I woke up the next morning, Sirius was still a dog and my dad was still sitting beside me
My dad was awake, while Hermione and Sirius slept

"Are you ok?" He asked me

"Yeah, I didn't dream of anything"

My dad got up and stretched his bones
"Good, I'm going to go make breakfast...will you be alright while I'm gone?"

I nodded my head and with that my dad exited the room
I can't blame him for worrying about me still, I did have an awful night

Hermione woke up next
"I'm going to shower, Sirius is here you'll be ok right?"

I nodded my head to her as well
She left Sirius and me alone on my bed
I knew he was awake, but it seemed like he wasn't moving
"If you need to leave it's ok" I told him while petting his fur

He shook his head and laid down completely on top of me
The weight of him was comforting, enough so that I fell back to sleep

Hours later I woke up, Sirius was the only one in the room still
I stretched and got out of bed, he followed

I walked downstairs and saw that my dad was talking to Hermione
I stayed in the corner, they seemed to be having a deep discussion I didn't want to intrude

"I have books back home that might help, can you bring me there really quick? Cora is still sleeping I think..." Hermione said

My dad nodded his head and they both took off
I looked at Sirius and he tilted his head
"Just us for a while I suppose"

He barked and then ran around me wagging his tail
I chuckled and then pet him some more before heading into the kitchen

I began making sandwiches for us, in the other room Sirius was changing back into his human form to eat with me
"We canceled the meeting for tonight, that way you can relax more. I think having too many people here last night set you off" he said sitting down in his seat at the head of the table

"No it's ok, I need to find out how to keep emotions out and I won't be able to if I don't ask for advice from the Order, thank you for spending the night with me though"

"Of course dear"

"I'm sorry that I scared you all" I said cutting up tomatoes by hand "I didn't mean to..."

"Don't be sorry, you've been through a lot. You need to feel your own emotions too you know"

"Yeah I know"

"Do you want to see any of your friends? They might be able to help you?"

I thought about it for a moment
"Shouldn't Harry be here?" I asked curiously
I passed Sirius a sandwich that I made for him and then sat down with my own
I wasn't hungry, but I knew if I didn't try eating it would worry him more
I took a small bite and choked it down

"He was going to be, but we wanted you to have a space that was your own until you were comfortable"

"He's at his Aunt and Uncles? I feel bad they hate him..."

"It was a mutual decision, Harry thought it would be best too"

"Can we go get him?"

"We will, is that what you want?"

"It is, I would like to see my friends too...and meet with Draco"

Sirius stopped eating
"I won't tell you what to do, I'm never going to be that way to you. But I don't want you going to the Malfoy Mansion. Harry told us that he saw Lucius that night, his house isn't safe for you. I know you love Draco, and I know he's not his father but you need to be careful around him ok?"

I stayed silent

"Cora, for your safety if you're going to see Draco you need someone else with you. I'll go with you, as Padfoot of course"

"I don't want the ministry finding you though"

"They won't, I'm an unregistered Animagus"

"I wish I was one, then I could disappear"

"Why would you want to disappear?"

I began playing with the bread on my sandwich, pulling one piece of crust of at a time
"Sirius, I'm depressed"

He placed his sandwich down and looked at me
I felt his emotions

"I'm severely depressed...I don't even want to eat right now" I said placing the bread down that I was messing with "why was I given this...this..."

"This life?" He finished my sentence "because you're strong enough to live and conquer it. You are brave, no matter what you think, you are. You have been given an unfair life I know, but look at all of the friends you've made in spit of it. You have people who care for you all around you, You know you're loved right?"

I felt my eyes burning so I took my hands and rubbed them

He smiled at me
"You know there is a piano here..."

I looked at him through my tear streaked lashes
"There is...?"

"Want to see it?"

"Yes please"

Sirius placed his food down and walked with me up the the top floor
When we opened the door we saw buckbeak laying down relaxing
"I didn't know you still had him" I said bowing lowly

Buckbeak looked at me and bowed his head back

"Of course I do, I let him have free range though. That window opens when he goes near it, he flies until he wants to come back home. The piano is next to his bed, feel free to come play whenever you need to. I would love to hear music in this house"

I smiled and walked up the the piano
I opened the cover and looked at the keys
"It's beautiful"

Sirius sat down beside buckbeak and waited for me to begin playing
I stretched out my fingers and began playing with a few keys to start
I haven't played since I was at the Weasley's, since I lost my voice I haven't tried singing
Today was for playing though

I began playing a melody I heard once with Fred in Hogsmeade
Sirius and Buckbeak must have liked it because they both closed their eyes and just listened to the lullaby I played for them

*play the song at the beginning

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