Ninety Four

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My dad opened the curtain to see who was on the other side
I watched him close it again after seeing who it was
"Padfoot let's go find Harry and talk to him about the tournament as well" my dad said

Sirius turned back into his dog form, licked my face and then got back off the bed
My dad gave me a hug
"Everything will be ok Cora, I'll be leaving after we speak to Harry. If you need me again I'm only a wand away, please have someone contact me or Padfoot if you need us"

I nodded my head and off they went
Hermione got up and opened the blinds
Sitting in two chairs were Draco and Fred
Fred had a bundle of flowers and Draco had some baked goods

Hermione glared at them and looked back at me
"I can stay if you need me to"

I shook my head no

Thank you for staying the night, I appreciate you more than you know

"Anything for you Cora, have someone get me if you need me again. Madame Pomfrey said you'll be released today so I will see you later anyways" she hugged me tightly and then left as well
Leaving me with the two boys

Neither of them moved their chairs over, they just stayed silent

I passed my parchment over to them


"Hey" Draco said coming closer to me
Fred still stayed back

Draco passed me the baked goods
"I hope these are good, I lettered mum and she gave me a recipe to make for you"

I smiled

Thank you, I'm sure they're incredible

"How is your voice?" He asked
I saw Fred flinch

I shrugged my shoulders

Not well, I tried this morning to speak but I still couldn't
Draco I'm scared

"It'll come back, I know it will" he held my hand tightly "I saw the Minister come in, what was that about?"

I saw Fred look up from his lap

He told me the first challenge is in two weeks, he then accused me of entering myself. My dad wasn't happy about that

"I'm glad your dad was able to visit"
Fred moved closer and Draco glared at him

He didn't mean to hurt me

Draco read my note and then slouched in his chair
"You remember what I told you right?"

You'll never forgive someone who hurts me

"Exactly. You can, I won't"

Fred got up from his chair and walked over to Madame Pomfrey
I heard him ask her for a vase for the flowers

"He doesn't deserve you" Draco said watching him place the flowers in water

I love him Draco

"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head

Draco sighed
"I won't tell you who to love, but I have your back all the way. I'll be watching out for you, and if something goes wrong you know I will be there right away defending you. I won't lie, I don't want you with him. But if that's who you love it's who you love"

I smiled

Thank you, I don't think he'll hurt me again though. I know this hurt you both deeply

"If he does, he's dead"

Can I speak to him for a little?

Draco sat up and kissed my forehead
"I'll be right outside if you need me just yell—uh I mean use your wand I'll watch for a sign"

Draco walked passed Fred and talked to him for a minute
I wasn't sure what he said but when he left Fred looked worse than he did before

I motioned for him to come sit with me but instead he stood at the bottom of my bed and placed the flowers there
"Moon flowers" he said "they bloom only at night, I thought of you when I saw them"

I grabbed my quill

I love them thank you

He nodded his head

Please come sit with me

"I can't"

I scrunched my eyebrows

Did Draco say you couldn't?

"No, I'm just..." he ran his hands through his hair
His dull hair, it's not as vibrant as it usually is
"I don't want to get too close to you. I think I should stay away from now on"

I felt my hands shaking

Please don't, don't leave me

"Cora, I destroyed your voice. I hurt you, I will never forgive myself for that. Ever. It's easier for you if I'm not around"

No it's not

My hands could barely write out words

I don't want that, doesn't it matter what I want?

"It matters whats best for you" he walked over to me and ran his fingers through my hair "I'll be routing for you during the tournament"

Please don't go, please I'm begging you

Fred looked at me
His eyes were glossed over and I saw a single tear escape
He rubbed his eyes and then kissed my forehead
"Goodbye Cora"

He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm
I started scribbling anxiously, I wouldn't have been surprised if he couldn't read what I wrote

You're not allowed to leave me

"Cora I'm no good for you, you deserve better" he took my hand and released the grip I had on him

He walked further away
I stumbled out of bed and ran for him
I tripped over my feet along the way, I almost stumbled to the ground but Fred turned around and caught me before I fell
I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine

His beautiful brown eyes were filled with sorrow and despair
He had purple under his eyes and his freckles were dulled just like his hair
I placed my hands on his chest, I felt his heart beating steady when I looked down at my hand on him, but quick when I looked back into his eyes

"Cora" he said "you need rest"

I shook my head no
I tried to speak but nothing came out

He picked me up, wedding styled and placed me back down on my bed
He moved quickly this time, leaving me in my bed in a pool of my own sorrow
I quietly sobbed into my hands
I couldn't yell for him, I couldn't tell him to not leave me
I couldn't tell him I loved him
By the time I looked back up he was gone

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