One Hundred Fourty Seven

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It was midnight by the time we all made it back
Instead of flying we walked

Kai spent the time sneaking up on mice that caught his eye and Cor spent the hour side eying the playful dragon
Nico held my hand the entire walk, talking about what it was like growing up and how Romania was in his early years

"I wish I grew up in a magically place like this, it's beautiful. Every time I think I've fallen completely in love with the area, something new sparks my heart again"

"I know how you feel. Truly I do, even spending so many years here, it never gets old" he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it gently

My nerves fluttered with his mouth on me again
I looked from my hand, to his eyes
Pure chocolate
"I don't ever want you to stop that" I said feeling heat rise in my cheeks

"Stop what?" He said kissing up my arm and then onto my lips

"Making me feel alive"

"I'll never stop"

When we arrived at the campsite I could smell wood burning
"Is there a fire?"

"Smells like it, I didn't know they would do this tonight though"

"Do what?"

He turned his face to me and smiled that beautiful smile I adore
"You'll see"

We made our way to the edge of the campsite, where instead of tents pitched in every corner there was a giant fire pit formed in the center
Dragons were flying above our heads, watching them soar above me brought a sense of calm that no one but this group would understand
"Whats going on?" I asked

I looked over at Cor and Kai, who took flight to follow the other dragons
"A celebration" Nico said

"For who?"

"You" Charlie said coming up to us
He looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled

"Why me?"

Nico and Charlie walked with me to the center of the pit
Inside was a blazing red and orange fire, with hints of purple
Smoke filled my senses filling me with wonder
"Dragon fire?"

"Correct, this is why we are having a celebration" Charlie said

"What did I do?"

I sat down on the ground beside Nico and Charlie
The rest of the dragon tamers followed suit, making a circle around the pit
"It's not what you did, it's what you are. You are a dragon tamer. This is a celebration for you, to initiate you"

"I have to finish school though, I can't stay until then"

"We know, we want you to finish school but we also want you to know you have a place here when that time comes" Charlie passed me a box "this was made specially for you"

I opened the box and inside was a beautiful blue pedant on a short thick rope that looked like a necklace
"Is this a dragons scale?"

"It's your dragons yes" Nico said helping me to put it around my neck
Right when the scale touched my skin I felt it turn from cold to warm
It felt like it stung me, I went to take it away subconsciously but Nico stopped me
"It's weird, but it takes a small dot of your blood and mixes it with the scale to complete your bond"

"To Cor? Really?? It's beautiful" I said putting my hand around it now and clasping it
I looked for Cor in the sky but she was flying, her blue scales shined in the moonlight

"Every one of us has a necklace just like yours" Charlie said pulling out his
His was dark green for Norbert

"Where is yours?" I asked Nico

"In my pocket for now, the rope broke off of it when I was training a new dragon" he pulled out a black scaled pendant "it's my most precious possessions. I can lose everything else but this"

I felt the same about mine now
"This connects me to Cor, even when I'm away I can feel her still"

"It'll keep you with all of us, we are all connect by our love for dragons. I can't wait for the day you join us permanently"

"I can't wait either"

"Let's dance" Alec said grabbing Shilo who I learned was his partner

Nico got up from the ground and extended his hand towards me
"Let's go my sweet Corey"

I grabbed his hand and let him lift me off the ground
He pulled me into his arms and swung the two of us around the fire
I felt heat pouring from the fire, but I also felt the familiar heat of love
I looked around the campsite and saw a few couples dancing together, but that wasn't the love I was feeling
That was a warmth, like a baked good but this kind was the feeling off someone loving me

When I looked back at Nico, I found where the warmth was coming from
The way he smiled at me, and stared at me I knew he was in love with me
I'm in love with you too

"My turn" Charlie said

Nico spun me out of his arms and into Charlie's
Nico started to dance around with Ace who was twirling with the rest

"So Nico?" Charlie asked

"He makes me happy" I said placing my hands on Charlie's shoulders
He lifted me into the air, causing a laughter I've never showed come out

"Good, you deserve to be happy. Don't wait around for my brother to get his act together, either way you are my sister. If not by marriage with him, then being with Nico. Or not, today marks you a dragon tamer we are all family"

"I feel guilty though, Fred loved me so did I doing them wrong by moving onto someone different?"

"If it's what you want no, Draco will be your friend either way and Fred well...he fucked up. He doesn't deserve you if he's not going to even bothering writing while you're here. We monitor who sends you letters, Fred sent one that weighed nothing. And nothing since?"

"Nothing since. His letter only said "I miss you""

"As he should, we all will when you leave but don't wait for him. Nico is a great guy, I respect him and he cares deeply for those who are lucky enough to be loved by him"

Charlie spun me into the arms of Alec and then into Ace until I was finally back in Nico's strong arms
We were both sweating by now, his face glistened in the fire lighting up his features and scars
The battles he's seen to save those who are helpless make me fall even more in love with him
I closed my eyes, taking in his scent
Burnt wood

So much so that when someone started beating on drums I began humming
From humming I started to sing
I didn't realize it, but soon enough I was the only sound
The music stopped, everyone else stopped moving

I heard wings flapping around and when I opened my eyes I saw all the dragons flying down from the sky
They all lifted their heads after they landed and roared into the sky, creating a tremble on the ground

I stopped singing, but Nico pulled my face from the dragons back to him
"Don't stop, please. Your voice is beautiful even the dragons think so"

So I continued
I sang until the sound of my own turned to just a hum and the smell of burning wood put me to sleep

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