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It was the weekend, today was Quidditch tryouts
I walked here with Fred George and Harry
Ron and Hermione were in the stadiums, they got here before us. Ron debated trying out this year but he decided against it last minute
Hermione doesn't care for the sport but knows we like it so she supports us

Harry and George were walking in front of us towards the field, Fred stayed behind with me
Slytherins we're doing their tryouts now, we were next
Then Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff would end the tryouts

We all sat down in the front row of the stadium on Gryffindor's side where the rest of the players trying out where sitting alongside the members who were already on the team

"You think you'll get in?" Harry asked sitting down next to Katy Bell and George, watching Slytherin members fly around the field

I shrugged my shoulders
"Worth a try"

Fred sat beside me
"You'll get it"

Even if I did I would still have to find a way to afford equipment

I faked a smile at him, but he didn't smile back
He put his hand on my back and rubbed circles
"I can tell when you're faking" he whispered to me "you don't need to be nervous, if you don't get on the team I'll just beat the sense back into Oliver until he realizes he made a mistake"

I gave him a genuine smile
"Please don't, I want to get in on my talent"

"You will"

"Maybe it's better if I don't"

He looked at me confused
"Why's that?"

"I uhm...I can't—"

George jumped up and began yelling
"Did you see that catch?? Fuck they're good this year!" He slumped back into his seat

"Can't what?" Fred tried asking again

"Fucking Flint" Oliver said annoyed "fuck you too"

I looked from Fred and towards the field where Marcus Flint was racing around in front of Oliver flipping him off
He looked at me and winked

I felt Fred's hand tense on my back

"This is a bad idea" I whispered to myself

"You can't let them win" Harry said turning to look at me "they win if you avoid this"

"I'm not brave enough to stand up to them..."

"You are. You are a Gryffindor, we're the house of the brave remember that when you find yourself lost" Harry said putting his hand on my knee
I stopped flinching when my friend's touch me, I learned that they won't hurt me

I nodded my head and saw that Fred whispered thank you to Harry

We all turned back to the field and saw the team exit through the stadium and they went to sit on their side

"Ok let's go" Oliver said grabbing his broom

I grabbed the spare one Fred found me this morning and clutched it
I can do this

Tryouts where harder than I thought
Oliver had 15 players to chose from, I was one of two girls trying out
The other was built a lot stronger than I was, but she wasn't as quick as I was on a broom
She fell off hers when the quaffle came for her

After we circled the field, Oliver had us practice throwing the quaffle between each other while flying
I dropped it a few times, but it didn't bother Oliver nearly as much as the 4 guys who kept trying to show off for me and the other girl trying out

When we were done passing the Quaffle we began dodging the Bludgers being thrown by Fred and George

The twins stayed near the hoop and on Oliver's call we would start flying around trying to avoid the bludgers

Two of the guys who were showing off in front of me earlier flew beside me

"You are too good looking for this sport, how's anyone supposed to pay attention to what they're doing when you're around?" One said who I learned was named Cormac McLaggen

"Leave this sport to the guys" another said who I learned was named Robert Hilliard

Oliver yelled out to start flying and the group I was in separated
The two guys who were flirting with me stayed close behind my broom
I felt uncomfortable with them following me but all I could do was fly faster to avoid them

George hit bludgers to me but I avoided them easily
Whenever I had a chance, I watched Fred throw bludgers
His always aimed at the guys who wouldn't leave me alone
He hit both of them and then hit the other ones who were showing off earlier
I laughed watching the satisfaction he got seeing them get smacked in the face with his bludger
Thank you Fred

Oliver nodded to me when I finished dodging
I must be doing well if he's acknowledging me

The last part of the session was throwing the Quaffle into the hoops
By this point there was only me and 3 guys going for the position
Oliver kicked the ones who couldn't avoid bludgers and the ones who fell off their brooms while circling the field

We had to make 10 goals before the others did
I was at goal 7 before I heard Adrian and Graham yelling my name
"It's pretty sexy watching you play quidditch!" Graham yelled
"Turning me on" Adrian yelled next

I dropped the quaffle before I threw it into the hoops
I watched it fall to the ground and I slowly went back for it
I looked back to where the voices were coming from and saw Draco yelling at them and getting into their faces

My heart was pounding and I felt my palms lose my grip on my broom from the sweat that was pouring out of me

I closed my eyes, but when I did all I could see was Adrian's body over mine
I opened my eyes slowly and turned to look in their direction again but saw Fred instead
He was blocking my view of them and his face was filled with determination
"You've got this" he mouthed to me

I nodded my head and grabbed the Quaffle again
Even with my setback I still was the first to complete all 10 goals

We all flew to the ground after Oliver called it over
My legs were sore from riding for hours and my arms hurt from using muscles I've never used before
But I was happy

"I've decided who I'm picking as my chaser, it'll be posted in the common room tomorrow. I would like to say you all did well, but only two of you impressed me. Good luck to those two"

He didn't tell anyone who he picked, we all just left the field and went back to sitting in the stadium
This time we joined Ron and Hermione who were up higher

"Fuck those two" Ron said when I sat beside him and Hermione "don't let them get to you"

"I'll try" I said feeling defeated
I let them get to me today
I dropped the ball
What if I do that during games...oh Merlin I'll have to play near them what if—

"I'll be with you during games, you have nothing to worry about" Fred said going back to rubbing my back

"Me too, good luck to those piece of shits who try you" George said smacking his beater bat on the stadium floor

"Having the beaters watch your back is the safest you can get" Harry said smiling at me "there isn't much I can do during games, but I'll try to catch it faster when we play Slytherin. Malfoy is good though, I'm sure he'll be doing the same strategy when we play against him"

I looked towards the Slytherin stadium and saw Draco staring at me
He nodded his head at me and I did back
He's got my back too

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