Seventy Seven

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Class ended but I couldn't get myself to move
I just stared at the dead spider on my desk
I felt Hermione tap my shoulder
"We have to get to our next class" she said softly

I got up slowly from my seat, continuing to stare at it
Why is he so brutal...

"What class do you have next?" I heard Draco say
He came up to my side and began stroking my hair

"We have Herbology" Hermione answered for me

"Yaxley stay after class I need to discuss something with you" Moody said from across the room
I looked up and he was leaning against his desk

"She has to get to class" Ron said, seeing how quiet I was being

"I have a note I can give her" Moody said "the rest of you get to class or it's detention"

Harry Ron and Hermione looked at me
"I'll meet you in class" I said sadly
I don't want anyone else getting detention and I want to find out what his deal with me is anyways

The classroom door opened and then shut, the only one remaining behind was Draco

He laughed
"I already have detention I think I'll stay"

Moody walked over to us and grabbed Draco
"Leave" he threw him towards the door and then slammed it shut
I heard Draco banging on the door but he couldn't open it, Moody had placed a locking spell on it

I heard Draco yelling "Alohomora" at the door but even that couldn't unlock it

He turned to me
"Now, you realize I am showing you all these curses to help you correct?"

"Don't you think it's fucked to show us the killing curse? It's illegal all three are"

"For classroom purposes it's not"

"What is your problem with me?"
I made eye contact with him for the first time since opening ceremony
I watched his magical eye roam around the room and then land on me

"I don't have a problem with you" he said agitated

"Bullshit" I said back

"Get to class" he barked "I'm done talking to you"

I stayed in my spot
"Tell me what your issue is with me"

He pointed his wand at me
"Like living as a human, wolf? If so I suggest you leave this classroom now"

I felt my hands shake
"Empty threat"

He smirked
"Yeah? You think?" He transformed me into a wolf again And then walked up to me
He grabbed me by my neck fur and dragged me up to his face
"Last time I met you, you weren't so brave. Now you think you can stand up for yourself? Pathetic"
He stared at me and I began growling

I heard aggressive knocks on the door and Moody picked up his wand
He pointed it at me and transformed me back

"Last time I met you? I've never met you" I said confused

He took out his flask, I saw his hands shaking too
"Go" he threw a note my way

"Not until you tell me what your issue is with me" I crossed my arms across my chest

He grabbed me by my shirt and tossed me towards a wall near the door
My back slammed against it
Memories of when Corban would hurt me flooded my head
He glared at me before he turned around and walked to his office
I slide down from the door and onto the floor
I put my hands on my eyes, they burned so deeply wanting release but I didn't let a single tear drop

I heard the door click after a few minutes and slam open
In came Draco with Professor Snape
Snape glanced at me and then walked up to Moody's office

"Are you hurt??" Draco asked coming to my side
He lightly pulled my hands away from my face
"What happened??"

"He hates me" I said "I don't understand what I did but he hates me"

Draco stared at Moody's office, I saw his jaw tighten
"That fucking bastard"
He turned to look at me and his eyes were filled with anger

"What did I do?" I asked, still refusing tears
How they threaten to fall though...

He took my head and pulled it into his chest
"He's a fucking grumpy old man. Don't take it to heart, please"

"He said he met me before I was brave...I've never met him in my entire life. Corban didn't let me go with him to work, and all of the coworkers he brought home weren't him either. I hate him"

"Me too" Draco said holding me tightly

"Corban really fucked me up...I kept having flashbacks of what he would do to me when I was arguing with Moody...then he threw me—"

Draco pulled me from his chest, he had both of his hands on my shoulders
"He threw you?!"

I nodded my head
"But he did the same to you, I'm just taking it badly because of my past"

"No, he shouldn't have laid a hand on you. I'm going right up to Dumbledore and demanding he's fired"

"No please don't" I said shaking my head "I don't want him to have another reason to hate me. Don't tell anyone please"

Draco was silent

"Draco please don't tell anyone...not Snape, not Crabbe not Goyle, not Fred"

"You're not going to tell Fred??" He looked at me shocked

"Fred will be furious..."

"As he should be, I'm fucking pissed too"

"Exactly, I can't have both of you that way...Draco promise me you won't say anything"

I saw his jaw clench
"This time I won't. But next time I won't let it slide, and if there is a next time you better tell me" he got up from the ground and put his hand out for me
I took it and he picked me up and helped me onto my feet

Moody's office door opened and Snape walked through it
He glanced our way before the door shut behind him
"Go to your next class" he barked

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