One Hundred Thirty Eight

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"Go to Romania??" Molly said intervening "how is she supposed to stay safe that far away from everyone in the order??"
I was surprised to feel her emotions then, my throat became itchy indicating that she was anxious about the suggestion

Charlie began laughing
"What am I chop liver?" He slammed his hand on the table, making her and I jump "Where else would she be safer than with dragons and dragon tamers?"

"Good point" Sirius said "and Molly there would be someone from the order with her I'm reminding you in case you forgot your son is in the group, I think if you want to go you should"
Sirius knew how much I loved Dragons, he also knew how hard it was for me to find something I wanted to do after school when I graduate
He's pushing me to explore a career that I could love

"But that's where you know who was last seen. You can't go there" she said putting down her tea
She glared at Sirius
Molly is acting like she cares, when the last bit of last year she wanted nothing to do with me

"That's not up to you to decided" Sirius said

"It's not up to you either" she said back

The room was quiet
Charlie stopped laughing, focusing on what was happening at the dining table
I looked between Molly and Sirius, the tension from them was feeding into my mind

"It's up to Cora" Sirius said

"She can't make that decision, her care giver should be the one to do that" Molly looked at my dad

He placed his tea cup down and looked at her
"It's Cora's choice not mine"

"She's a child she can't make that decision" Molly was losing this argument, her face was turning red from her anger

"I'm not a child" I said sticking up for myself
I looked around the room and no one disagreed
Charlie nodded his head in approval

"You aren't of age" she said

"Cora has been through more than any adult in this room has. There is a reason she's in these meetings, she's mature enough to handle her own decisions" Sirius said

"I would like you to respect my partner and I's choice on her matters. We trust Charlie, and the dragons they will be with to keep her safe. Shes not your daughter" My dad said

"She's not yours either" she said glaring at Sirius

"She is my daughter" Sirius said "blood isn't the only thing that makes a family"

Molly sat down in defeat
She looked at Arthur who shrugged his shoulders at her

"So coming with me tonight?" Charlie asked

"Yes" I said
I smiled after I answered him, a genuine smile

My dads' both smiled with me
"Excellent" Charlie said

"A week right?" I asked "because I would like to see Draco when I come back, I know he's worried about me"

"As long as an order member goes with you" Arthur said "his father is on our list of suspects for working with you know who"

"We discussed it already, I'll go with her" Sirius said

Snape chuckled
"And be caught by the ministry? Smart move"

Sirius glared his way
"Are you worried about me Sniverus? I'm surprised to hear you care"

"Don't make me laugh. I would pay to have you put behind bars again" he said

I looked at Tonks who chose to sit with me

"Here we go again" she smirked at me

I chuckled slightly
"Money's on Sirius"

"Not fair, he's the clear winner of this" she said back

"Maybe I'll get caught and escape again just to see you waste your money on putting me back in"
My dad laughed

"So tell me about the dementors kiss, I hear it's miserable" Snape tried low blowing Sirius

"Not as miserable as it is to be in the same room with you"
The room all snickered
Dumbledore sipped his tea, listening to their back and forths intrigued him deeply

Snape quieted down in defeat as well
The room was filled with so many emotions I felt myself being drained again

I laid back in my seat, as far back as I could go and closed my eyes slightly
I wasn't sure how long passed, but I woke up after my brief nap
I couldn't open my eyes all the way though, I was still drained

"I think this meeting is over" I heard my dad say

I heard a few chairs get up, and someone came over to mine
They placed their hands under my body and held me close to their chest as they walked away from the table and upstairs

"Is she ok?" I heard Fred ask concerned

"She's just tired" Sirius answered

I heard footsteps following but Sirius turned us back around
"Either I Remus or Hermione will stay with her, give her space until she asks for it otherwise"

The footsteps stopped and Sirius continued walking us up to my bedroom
He laid me down on my bed and I heard the door open
"She's ok?" My dad asked

"She is, reading too many emotions I'm sure"

I felt my dad sit beside Sirius on my bed
"She's like this because of me"

"Smart? Brave? Caring? Yeah you're right"

"She has a hard life because of me...I should have found her when she was younger I should've known she was still alive—"

"I'm going to stop you there" Sirius said "you can't change the past, only the future. You're here now, she's here now we all are. You me her and Harry can be a happy family together, it's what James would have wanted for him and it's what we all would have wanted for the kids really"

"I don't know what I would do without either of you. You're my reasons for living"

I heard them kiss and that was the last conscious thought I had

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