One Hundred Two

105 5 10

Viktor picked me up from my bed and then Harry helped me onto his back where he let me sit until we reached the arena

The crowd was chanting all of our names, including Harry's now
I looked over Viktor's shoulder and saw Fred and Draco smiling at me
I waved slightly to them but felt too much pain to do a lot
Viktor let me gently off his back and Harry and him supported me while Ludo and Barty Crouch announced our placements

"In first place" Ludo said "Viktor Krum with 8 out of 10 points"
The crowd began pounding their feet on the stadium and chanting Krum
  "He went over his time, so we took points away"

  "In second place is Harry Potter with 7 out of 10 points"
I saw Ron smile at Harry and all of Gryffindor cheered for him
  "His dragon disappeared so points were taken off as well"

  "In third place, Fleur Delacour with 6 out of 10 points"
Clapping sounded the stadium and Madame Maxime cheered loudly
"She caught on fire during her time, so a low score was given"

  "And last place, Cora Lupin with 5 out of 10 points"
All of Hogwarts cheered loudly for me but I could hear the voices of my friends and Fred the loudest
"She went over her time and received help from another dragon during hers, we wanted to disqualify for cheating but proof couldn't be obtained"
The crowd began booing

"That's not her fault!" Fred yelled
"She deserves a better score you prick!!" Draco yelled
"She could have died having two dragons in the arena you arse!!" Ron yelled
"That's so unfair!" Hermione yelled too

"We score how we see fit" Ludo said annoyed "anyways" he looked at all four of us "the egg you all retrieved is the key for your next challenge, without it you would have had no chance of getting passed it. The next trial is in two weeks, best of luck to you all"

Ludo and Barty both left the stadium
I saw George and Fred glare at Ludo
I knew they wanted to confront him again but it was too big of a crowd to try anything

The sun was beginning to set
I knew that I only had a half an hour before the moon would be out

I looked at Harry and he seemed to already know where my mind was going
He now picked me up on his back and carried me out of the arena
"Thank you for helping Viktor" he said

Viktor nodded his head
"Good luck in the next one"

Harry nodded his head back
"You as well"

My wounds were all patched up but I felt the sting from them still
I wish I could speak
I almost got killed from not having use of my voice today
I'm going to have to speak to Hermione or McGonagall about finding a way to use nonverbals
We aren't learning that until our 6th year but it could be worth asking
Even Fred or George could help me I bet they've learned about it already

We made it out of the arena and waiting for us right outside was our group of friends
Harry let me off his back gently and Fred pulled me into his chest the moment I hit the ground
He didn't say anything, he just held me tightly

I felt his heart beating quickly, but it seemed to slow down the longer he held onto me
"I'm so proud of you" he whispered to me

"My turn" Draco said from behind us

Fred reluctantly let me go and Draco pulled me in tightly as well
"You did awesome" he said in my ear "I knew you would"

He held me for a few more minutes before letting me go so everyone else could hug me as well

Hermione hugged me last me
"We are studying nonverbals right away" she said to me "what happened today shouldn't have, I'm sorry I failed you"

I felt tears sting my eyes
How could she think she failed me

I pulled out of our embrace and shook my head at her

"No I did, I didn't think about you not being able to say spells...I was hoping your voice would be back by now"

I shrugged my shoulders slightly
Me too

"Im sorry too" Draco said "we studied so much about Dragons but never actually about how we could avoid you using your voice"

"Me too" Fred said "I should have thought about it, George Lee and I are learning about those now I can't believe it didn't cross my mind"

I began shaking my hands around and my head trying to get them to see it wasn't their fault but moving my head made everything go blurry
I grabbed my forehead lightly and fell to my knees

Instantly I felt two sets of hands on me
One I knew to be Fred's and the other I knew was Draco's

"Cora are you ok? Let's go to the common room and rest" Fred said "where are your eggs?" He asked Harry

"They are being given to us later tonight, after the dragons are taken care of" he said

"Cora let me carry you" Draco said to me

"No I will" Fred said back at him

Draco glared at Fred who met his gaze back
Everyone was silent now

"I'm stronger than you Weasley" Draco barked

Fred laughed
"Want to test that theory?"

I pushed both of them away from each other and glared at them with annoyance

Neither of them entertained me
They just continued their stares at one another until George pushed passed them
"I'll help you Cora, I think these two have issues they need to attend to"
George went down in front of me and extended his arms out, waiting for me to climb onto his back

I looked at Fred and Draco again
They began arguing but I felt my vision going completely now and before I could stop them I passed out from my head throbbing

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