Twenty Eight

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He wiped tears away from my face and kept his hands on my cheeks
His hands were so warm and comforting

  "Aren't you afraid of me now...I'm afraid of myself" I whispered

  "No" he got up and kissed my forehead "nothing you can do will make me leave you. Nothing I learn about you will make me afraid of you either"

  "But you should" my voice cracked

  "I won't" he helped pick me up
I felt dizzy so I placed my hand on my forehead "I'm staying right here with you"

  "What about Draco...I'm terrified to tell anyone"

  "So don't tell anyone until you're ready. It's your truth to be told, no one else's. When you do chose to tell your story make sure it's to someone you trust. If they truly love you they won't leave your side" Fred said picking me up
I placed my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist
He held me up with his hands under my legs

If they love me...
Does Fred love me...?

We walked back in silence
My head was throbbing from the fall I took and how much I was crying
Fred kept one hand under my leg and the other on my head
He brought me a comfort I'd never felt before

He walked holding me from the passage way to Madame Pomfrey to be taken care of right away
  "We will find Draco after, you need to be seen first"

She had no other students in the hospital wing
When she saw us walk in she showed Fred where to lay me

  "What happened?" She asked Fred

  "She fell" he said sitting beside me

Madame Pomfrey began working on my head and then my knees
She used her wand to clean up the blood I had all over me from the walk here

  "Since you're here you might as well take this" she handed me my potion
I stared at it


I looked at her
  "It's early though...shouldn't I take it Saturday?" My voice was shaking

  "A few days won't make a difference, it stays in your system for weeks. You take it monthly to keep it in your system though"

She left to go find me a pain potion
I continued to stare at the bottle

  "Drink it Corey" Fred said taking my other hand in his

I shook my head 
  "I don't want this life...I shouldn't have been born"

  "If you were never born" he brought my hand to his lips "I would never have had the pleasure of knowing you" he kissed my hand softly "You are so kind and loving to those who deserve it, even to those who don't. You are brave, for all you've been through you are still standing tall. You are smart, you ace test easily and are always helping others understand subjects. You are you, everything you've been through has made you who you are today"

  "Fred why me though" I clutched the potion

  "You don't deserve the life you were given, but you are brave enough to handle it. I don't know anyone who is stronger than you" Fred kissed my hand again

The door of the hospital wing flew open and in came Draco
Once he saw me he ran for my side
I didn't think I had any tears left but when I saw him actually wanting to see me I sobbed
He cares about me...

  "Cora" Draco said putting my head in his hands "what happened? I waited for you both to show but I got impatient and figured you might show up here first"

I caught him up on what happened, including the part about me having werewolf in my blood

To my surprise Draco didn't leave
He stayed with his hand on my leg, rubbing circles on it

  "Cora, you are my best friend. I don't care if you're part dragon, you are you. I will never leave you" he got up and kissed my forehead "never. Someone must have used polyjuice to transform into me...I promise I would NEVER say any of that to you. Ever. When I find out who did though..." his hand began shaking "there aren't any words for what I'll do to him and he'll deserve every minute of what comes his way"

Fred nodded his head
"We will find out who it was" I noticed Fred's jaw tightened

  "You both aren't afraid of me..." I asked softly

They both shook their heads
  "You need to take your potion though" Fred reminded me

Draco looked at it and nodded his head
  "Not that we are afraid you'll turn into a werewolf, but to keep the symptoms at bay and to keep you comfortable"

I picked up the bottle and brought it to my lips
The taste was as awful as it's always been, but for some reason it was easier to swallow

When I finished they both smiled at me
  "You two are the most important people in my life" I confessed "without you two...I-I...I would be dead. I wouldn't want to live"

Draco hugged me tightly and then Fred did the same

Madame Pomfrey came back to my bed
  "You two can leave for the night, she'll be released in the morning" she started to shoo Fred and Draco away "and before you ask yes she can play in the game coming soon, you quidditch players only care about one thing"

  "Not true" Fred said looking at me

  "She shouldn't be alone" Draco said to her "at least let one of us stay"

  "Neither of you can, I'm sorry dears. I will give her a sleeping potion, she won't even be conscious much longer"

Draco and Fred both kissed my forehead again and left for the night
Even though they both were apprehensive about leaving me alone

  "Ok dear take this" she handed me a violet colored potion "you'll be asleep in no time"

I nodded my head and took the potion
If I couldn't have my friends with me, I didn't want to be awake
Being awake meant I was left with my thoughts, which terrified me

I dreamt of nothing
My mind was completely clear the entire time I slept

In the morning I was delivered breakfast but I didn't eat it until Fred and Draco came to see me and they made me

"You need to keep your strength up" Draco said "can't expect to beat Diggory when you aren't eating enough"

My first game was in two days

"I bet if you ask you can get a note excusing you from classes today, then you can hangout with me George and Lee. We will pull pranks together all day" Fred said smiling

I smiled back
"That sounds amazing"

"But not happening" Madame Pomfrey said coming up to my bed "you are going to class"

"Buzzkill" Fred said

I laughed, which made both Draco and Fred laugh too

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