One Hundred Thirty Nine

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I woke up a few hours after I fell asleep
Hermione was asleep beside me, I got up slowly to not disturb her but she still woke up anyway
"You getting ready to leave?" She asked

"How'd you know?"

"Charlie told all of us, Fred was pissed"


"He thinks it's unsafe"

"He's like his mother" I said scoffing "can I be any safer with Dragons?"

"Well...they're still dangerous but I'm sure...You know...won't go anywhere near you with them around"

"Exactly, and if he does I'll make sure my fireheart finishes the job that Sirius started"

"True, gone for a week right?"

"Yes, I'm hoping Harry is here by then"

"Me too, I think they're going to get him tomorrow"

I began packing a small bag that Hermione enchanted for me to hold an infinite amount of items
I packed a lot of warm clothes and a small amount of things to wear in summer heat
I wasn't sure what the weather would be like or how my body would react
I packed some wolfsbane that my dad had made for me
I wish I still had that lotion the twins made for me

When I was all packed, Hermione walked with me downstairs where all my loved ones were waiting
The group was in the living room, they were chatting amongst themselves

"Hey" I said greeting the room

I saw Fred, George, Sirius, my dad, Ron, Ginny, Molly, Arthur and Charlie
They were all smiling at me except Molly and Fred

"Are you sure about this?" Molly asked

I saw both my dad and Sirius roll their eyes

"I am" I said confidently "I need this"

"You need to be in a calm setting" Fred said "Dragons aren't that"

I raised my eyebrows
"No I need a distraction and to learn about dragons. I need support that's what I need"

Fred looked like he wanted to retaliate but he stayed silent along with Molly

"Well I'm excited for you" George said

"Me too" Ron said

"Most of us are" Ginny said winking

I hug everyone, leaving Fred for last
He stared at me, I couldn't help but fall into his beautiful brown eyes
"I'm going to be worried about you"

"I know" I said

"Like I've been since I met you"

"Sorry about that"

"I care about you, I'm never going to stop worrying. I messed up a lot last year, I'm the one who needs to apologize"
I felt warmth radiating from his body like usual, but there was a hint of metallic in his words
"I was supposed to be your support and instead I failed you"

"It's ok"
I wasn't sure what to say
He did fail me, but I love him still

"When you get back I want to talk to you ok?"
I nodded my head and let him hold me tightly
"Be safe please"

I went up to Charlie and took his hand
"Ready Corey?"

"Ready" I felt so much excitement from Charlie, the only one who was truly thrilled by this plan
My dads wouldn't ever tell me, but I know they are worried about me being far away

"We're only a Patronus away if you need us" Charlie told the room "we will be back in a week"

"Be safe" my dad said
"Have fun" Sirius
"Write to me" Hermione
"Bring me back something" Ron
"I'm jealous" Ginny
"If you find any good prank materials bring them back" George
"Wait" Fred said
Charlie was about to apparate us but hesitated

Fred ran up to us and pulled something out of his pocket
"We made more lotion for you, I almost forgot to give it to you. I know it helped a lot during the uh...yeah it helped so I figured you could use it during the night in Romania"

"Thank you, I was hoping for more of this. I lost the last batch unfortunately"

He faked a smile and walked back to where everyone else was
I looked at my loved ones once more before grabbing Charlie's hand again
"See you all soon"

The familiar feeling of being squeezed hit me fast
I haven't apparate too much in my life, so the feeling was still a lot for me to handle

Romania was as beautiful as I expected it to be
We arrived in a secret location, it was night fall when we landed
I looked around the area and saw tents pitched up everywhere, there were at least 15

"Everyone has their own tents, would you prefer your own or tent with me?" Charlie asked taking my bag

"I'm fine either way"

"Ok, I'll make sure tomorrow you have your own tent. It's not that I would mind sharing but personal space here is rare you'll find out, so I think you'd enjoy having one of your own"

I looked behind Charlie and then around the area again
I saw tall trees, full of leaves that were even vibrant during the night
The moon felt different here, it wasn't a full moon but it felt more powerful

"Romania holds a lot of energy, that's why the dragons love it" he said noticing where my mind wondered off too "I don't know how you'll react here with your condition but if it becomes too much let me know"

The last day I would be here would be a full moon
"I don't know if I want to go back home"
Something about this area brought me to life
I felt stronger here...

I felt hot air being blown onto my back
When I turned around I saw a small dragon staring curiously at me
I looked at Charlie who started laughing
"That's the newest find, came all the way from America. Her name is Scout"

"She's beautiful" I said putting my hand out to introduce myself

She sniffed my hand and then blew hot air out at me again
I laughed
Charlie looked at me and laughed too

The ground trembled
I looked to where the sound was forming from and saw her
Beautiful creature
My dragon

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