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The following week came and I was in Potions class
I sat next to Draco every other class, today I was next to him yesterday I was with Hermione
It wasn't hard balancing my friendships, both sides respected that I was friends with each and they never pressured me to pick

Draco and I were partnered up for a potion
  "My father wants Buckbeak punished"

I dropped the ingredient I had in my hand
  "He's not going to act is he?"

  "I told him I didn't want him to, if he listens to what I have to say he won't. But he was furious, I told him it wasn't a big deal but my father is...dramatic"

  "I hope he doesn't do anything to wasn't your fault or his. I was the one who should have been injured, my father wouldn't have cared if I got hurt"

Draco looked pained
  "I didn't want you injured, I'm going to try my best to make sure my father doesn't do anything"

I nodded my head and picked up the leaf again
I began crushing it

  "Sirius Black has been spotted outside of London" I heard Seamus say "what's he looking for?"

Draco turned around and looked at Harry
  "I'm surprised you don't react when you hear his name, don't you want revenge?"

Harry looked confused
  "Why would I?"

  "What do you know Draco?" I asked

He looked at me
"Sirius Black—"

Professor Snape took a parchment and wacked Draco in the back of the head, making me flinch
"Potions not gossip" he said annoyed

Draco rubbed his head and then looked at me
"I'm ok" he whispered

"Longbottom can you do anything right" Professor Snape said inspecting Neville's potion
A blast happened from the table behind me and I turned to see Harry and Seamus covered in their potion and ash from the flames it created

Professor Snape rolled his eyes
"30 points from Gryffindor for all three of you"

Hermione snuck over to Neville and showed him how to correct his potion
"Granger keep your nose to yourself" He said pointing to her seat beside Ron "you already have one you have to carry"

Ron's cheeks turned red but he kept quiet

Class ended and we all packed our bags
Draco picked my bag up and then helped me out of my chair

"Defense is next" he said

I nodded my head and walked with him to Defense Against the Dark Arts
This was our first class with Professor Lupin, he wasn't there for his first week of classes
I wasn't sure why he missed out on them but he was back now so we all got to meet him properly

"Hello class, sorry I haven't been around. My name is Remus Lupin, Professor Lupin. I used to go to this school, and now I teach my favorite class" he ushered us all to stand "please join me in going to the classroom across the hall"

I looked at Hermione confused, I sat next to her this class but we got up and followed him anyways

The classroom was empty except a cabinet that was in the center of the room
We all gathered around the cabinet but Professor Lupin asked us to gather in front of him instead

"What do you think is in this?" He said pointing behind him

Hermione raised her hand
"The only thing I can think of is a boggart sir"

"Correct! Miss.Granger right? I've heard great things about you. 20 points to Gryffindor"

She smiled

"Who knows what a boggart is?"

Hermione put her hand up again

"Anyone else want a chance at points? No? Ok Miss.Granger"

"No one really knows what a boggart is, it shows up as your worst nightmare"

"Correct! Another 20 points. Can we all make a line, let's have some boggart fun"

What will my boggart show up as...

"Good now that the line is formed, the spell to counter the boggart is "Riddikulus" say it with me everyone"

We all repeated the spell, I heard Goyle snicker about the spell's name
Draco was behind me and Hermione was in front of me

The line began with Neville who's boggart turned into Professor Snape
The class laughed but I didn't
I knew that him and Snape had their differences and he was always picking on him

"Well Snape does frighten us all, Neville I want you to picture the funniest thing you can for Snape"

Neville nodded
"Riddikulus!" He yelled and Snape turned into himself but wearing his grandmother's clothing

I laughed this time with the class
"Good! Next"

Ron was up next and his boggart turned into giant spider
A lot of the class cringed at it too, but Ron turned the boggart into a spider with skates on its feet
It began tripping over its legs and panicking

We all laughed again
I felt Draco put his hand on my shoulder, comforting me for what was coming soon
Hermione went and her boggart turned into Professor McGonagall giving her a failed test
She cringed but turned the failed test into an award she had won for the most classes ever taken

She was laughing by the end of her experience
I took a deep breath
My turn

I walked up to the line that Professor Lupin drew and took another deep breath
I could feel my anxiety rising with the door of the cabinet opening

Out stepped my father
He was in an all black uniform and he had bruised knuckles
Blood was on his hands and his face was tight

I felt every part of my body tremble and the phantom pain I've felt before rose up to the surface
My arm began throbbing and so did my face where he got those bruised knuckles from

"It's ok" Professor Lupin said "you've got this"

I deeply sighed

"You are worthless" the boggart said

I looked around but no one heard it, just me

"Waste of life"


I felt a hand go on my shoulder and squeeze
"Riddikulus" I said through my pain
I watched as my father turned into a clown that made me a balloon animal

I backed away from the class and sat in the corner
Hermione came up next to me and pulled me in for a hug

"I'm sorry" she said

Death Eater's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now