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Draco's friends came back into the compartment so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep the rest of the ride

His friends talked about stupid shit like what kind of candy was better on the cart, I could tell Draco was over their conversation because he stopped answering them
I could feel his stare on me but I kept my eyes closed

Hours went by and the train stopped, we landed at Kings Crossing
Draco walked up to me and tapped my shoulder
"We're can come with me trust me my parents won't mind"

I opened my eyes and saw we were alone again
"I can't...I don't want you to be involved"

He sighed
"can you letter me? I want to be sure you're ok"

I felt my heart tug
"I'll try..."

He put his hand out out for me to hold, I didn't grab it though
I walked by him and took in a deep breath

"I want to help" Draco said before I exited the compartment

I pushed back tears that fell down my face and walked on to the exit on our side
I walked by Hermione who looked worried and Fred who looked concerned too but I walked passed them and off the train

I looked around the crowd and saw no one waiting for me
Is he not here?
How am I supposed to get home if he's not here...

I stayed still while I looked
I didn't want to look desperate but he wasn't here I could tell
Did he actually abandon me

He did
I sat down on a bench for over three hours and he never showed up

I got up from my seat and left the train station
I saw Draco's parents get him earlier, along with Fred's family
I even saw Harry and Hermione exit through the portal to his Uncle and Aunt and her parents
But my father wasn't around

I was alone

I walked through the portal again and looked around
I didn't want to see him, but at this point I had no way of going home without him
Where would I go

I walked through the crowds of muggles and went outside
It was pouring raining, all I had was a light jacket. I didn't think it would be cold, it was the middle of summer but the rain was freezing coming down

I walked down the street and continued walking
I had nowhere to go
He abandoned me...

I found a cafe, so I walked in and ordered a green tea to warm up with
I had a small amount of money, my dad barely gave me any this year but I didn't spend any on snacks on the train so I still had all he gave me

  "What am I going to do..." I whispered to myself "how am I going to get home without magic"

I could find an owl and letter Draco, but that would be admitting that I needed help...
I can't do that
No one can be involved

"Honey our shop is closed, do you have a phone to call your parents?" The waitress asked me

I got up and just started walking out the door
The rain was continuing, thunder was rolling in with it
I sighed deeply and began my walk from the center of London to where I thought home might be

I walked through the city and into the outskirts of it
I entered the forest and found shelter from the storm
I bet everyone else is sleeping in their warm beds
I'm sitting under a tree trying to shelter from a storm

The storm broke up for a small amount of time and I used that to continue my walk
While walking I found a cave that looked dry enough for me to stay in during the night
So I did
I stayed there all night until the morning came but the storm still didn't pass again
It roared all night long

"How do I get home" I said out loud in my cave "maybe I should go back to London and go to the ministry...I can go to his office and wait for him there"

I didn't want to see him, part of me is relieved I'm not anywhere close to him.
But I have nowhere else to go, he knows that too. He left me out here on purpose, his punishment for being in Gryffindor I'm sure

I took a deep breath and jumped up and down to warm myself up before heading back into the storm

I gained a sickness throughout my walk, I was sneezing uncontrollably and my body wouldn't stop shaking
Keep moving go to the ministry

After walking for what felt like hours I finally made it to the bathrooms that ministry workers used to enter
I stayed in line with the workers who all looked at me curiously and waited for my turn for the restroom

I stood on the toilet like I read how to do, and pulled the string. It sucked me down into the toilet and landed me in the ministry main floor

I looked around and saw workers walking back and forth going on with their day

I saw a friendly looking lady so I tapped on her arm
"Excuse me Mrs, do you know where Yaxley's office is?"

"4th floor deary"

I nodded my head and went to the elevator
There was no one inside so I pressed the 4th floor button and began my ascend up

When I reached the right floor the door opened, letting in a familiar looking red headed male

He stared at me curiously
"Yaxley's daughter aren't you?"

I nodded while my body still was shaking

"Are you looking for your dad? You look freezing" he offered me his jacket but I declined it "Arthur Weasley's the name, do you need help?" he put out his hand for me to take

I shook my head
"No I'm going to find my dad now"

"Find him? I'm surprised you're here, my kids take a few days to rest before they do anything after school. He picked you up yesterday didn't he?" I knew that look, it was the same look his son gave me all year. The same look Professor McGonagall gave me when I asked to stay during the holiday break. The same look Draco gave me again and again
The look of pity

"Thank you for your help Sir, I need to get going" I pushed passed Arthur and began my walk towards my father's office

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