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I found his office"Corban Yaxley"

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I found his office
"Corban Yaxley"

I knocked lightly and heard a voice yell to come in
I opened the door and there he was sitting behind his office desk, staring at me

  "Why are you here" he demanded

My body couldn't stop shaking, I wasn't sure if it was from the sickness I caught or from his stare
  "You didn't come to get me"

  "I know" he said agitated

  "I didn't have a way home"

He began tapping his fingers on the desk
  "Close the door"

I could feel my anxiety rise and my heart patter but I closed the door anyways

He walked up to me and slapped me across the face
  "You disgraced me by being put in that damn house" he grabbed my shirt collar and brought me up to his face "you piece of shit" he slapped me again and again until my lip split and my nose began to bleed

He threw me onto the ground and I just stayed there, as still as I could
I learned years ago that moving made it worse for me

He walked up to me and kicked me in the stomach twice
  "You couldn't even do one fucking thing"

After he was done beating me he went back to his chair and sat down
I didn't say anything and neither did he
I just stayed there bleeding on the ground, trying to not let my tears fall in front of him

But I heard a knock on the door and saw my father's face tighten
  "What" he said annoyed

  "You're being requested downstairs" the voice of Arthur Weasley said

  "I'm busy" he answered back

  "It's urgent" he demanded

My father got up from his chair and then glared at me
  "You stay here"

My father left the room and I heard both set of feet walking away
I stayed where he told me to, I had nowhere else to go
Arthur saved me momentarily but when he comes back I'm going to be in the same spot I was before

The summer went by and so did my second year of school
I hated every holiday I was forced to go back, and this year because of the chamber of secrets being opened I was forced to go back for Christmas and summer.
Draco tried getting me to go to his home for Christmas but I went back to my own
I didn't want his family pitying me for the life I was given

Hermione talked to me more this year and Fred did too
Hermione told me that being near me made studying easier, I was quiet and didn't bother her for her homework
I was quiet because I was afraid to make friends
Fred told me being near me was calming
Anytime he sat near me he never failed to rub my back slowly bringing me to a relaxed state, often actually sleeping
Little did he know that was the only time I let myself feel calm
Sleep only found me when he rubbed my back

But the school year ended the same way the previous one did
Me going back to my father's house to get assaulted

Draco offered me his house again on the train ride back, I almost took him on his offer
I told him if my dad wasn't waiting for me I would
I told him how last year my dad abandoned me, Draco was furious that I didn't mention it to him. He told me his dad worked for the ministry and I could have gone to him
I told him that I was fine, he didn't believe me though
When we returned to the train station my father was there, arms crossed

Draco looked at me and grabbed my hand
I squeezed his hand back tightly
"You don't have to"

"But I do" I said letting go of his hand and walking towards my father
He grabbed me by the shoulder and we apparated back to his house
His, no longer mine

The summer before my third year was ending and I was going into the last week before school started, with a broken wand arm

My father was punishing me and I accidentally fired back at him, I didn't mean it I knew that atttacking him would cause me problems but I did subconsciously

He broke my arm and told me that walking around like that was my punishment

I ran away that day and I ended up at the Leaky Cauldron
I knew the bartender from previous times I had ran away, so he let me in late at night when I showed up and let me have enough whiskey to drown my sorrows in

I've been at the Leaky Cauldron for a week, drinking myself stupid and trying to practice using my left arm for wand moves
I couldn't produce magic again, my father got me out of the last bit of trouble I caused
I'm sure for his own sake
So I just practiced wand movements and used the time I wasnt drinking to that

I thought about school and how I could see myself enjoying my time with Hermione and Fred, Draco as well
Draco was the only one who knew what my father was doing to me and it was going to stay that way
Even him knowing was too painful

I went downstairs, stumbling, to get more to drink but I heard familiar voices coming from below
It sounds like the Weasley's

I stopped halfway down and listened in on their conversation

"You showing more people that photo really Ron?" Fred said

"I've only shown Harry" he said back

"Oh? Not the bartender" George said

"Or the waitress" Fred said

"Or the—" George started to say but then Percy said

"Can you all quiet down"

"Get your homework done somewhere else, you're as bad as Granger over here" George said "school hasn't even started what could you be working on already??"

"None of your business" I heard Hermione say moving papers around

I heard footsteps coming my way
I tried to balance myself standing up again so it didn't look like I was spying on them

Percy walked my way and then nodded his head at me
I nodded back but lost my balance and fell into the wall
I sat down on the step to control my spinning head
He just looked at me oddly and kept moving, he didn't ask if I needed help getting up but I didn't expect him too

I stayed sitting on the step until I heard a voice call my name
"Hey Corey you're here too?"

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