One Hundred Six

111 5 16

In potions we were learning how to make a sleeping draught
As usual I partnered with Draco
Harry and Ron partnered together while Hermione partnered with Neville
She likes partnering with him because he struggles with this class and Snape is constantly picking on him

  "Your list of ingredients is in front of you, get to it" Snape barked

I went to get up from my seat but Draco lightly pushed me back down
  "I've got it" he said smiling at me
I smiled back and watched as he walked towards the shelves where jars of ingredients laid

I looked around the room and saw Ron raise his eyebrows at me
I showed him my middle finger and turned back to watching Draco bicker with Pansy who followed him to the front of the room

He's not in love with me
There's no way
We did make a pack to marry each other if we found to both be alone in the future
But that doesn't mean he's in love with me...
Does it?

  "You ok?" Draco asked sitting next to me
I looked at his eyes and nodded my head
He laid out our ingredients in front of us and began mixing some into our cauldron

I grabbed the small knife we were given and started to slice up our ingredients
He knows I'm with Fred
Why am I even entertaining Ron's stupid idea
Merlin he's so stupid
Stupid Ron

I winced, another noise I was able to make now
I felt a small sharp pain on my finger and noticed I accidentally sliced it while thinking of stupid Ron's comment
Draco looked over and picked up my hand to inspect my finger
I felt myself blushing under his gaze
Why though
He never made me blush before

Draco placed my hand back down
"Can't even cut up a few herbs without hurting yourself" he chuckled
I watched as he ripped cloth off of his shirt and began wrapping my finger slowly and carefully

I nervously looked around the room and saw Ron Harry and Hermione all looking at me curiously
I blushed again and refocused on my finger that had a bow knot on it now

"All better" he said to me
He raised his forehead at me
"Something wrong? You're all red" he placed the back of his hand on my forehead "it's not a full moon...but you're forehead feels kind of hot"

I wrote down
I'm ok

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed the knife
"I'll do the chopping" he laughed "you do the mixing"

I nodded my head and went back to the cauldron

When class was over I hugged Draco goodbye and walked over to my friend group
Classes were done so we had the rest of the night to ourselves
Hermione grabbed my hand before I reached the boys
"Library now"

I nodded my head and walked out of the room and towards the library with her
Ron and Harry looked at me confused but stayed behind

When we reached the library Hermione used her wand to collect books from the shelves and then dragged me down to a table in the furthest corner

"Are you in love with Fred or Draco?" She asked bluntly


She looked at me and I could have fallen to the ground from shock

"YOU SPOKE?!" She said excited "say something else!!" She shook me

"Hermione" I said
I steadied myself by placing my hands on her shoulders

She smiled brightly
"Your voice is different still, raspy but I can't believe it's back" she hugged me tightly "I missed hearing you speak"

"I miss-miss-missed talking" I got out
I placed my hand on my throat
It still burned when I tried to say a lot but I could actually speak
I'll have to write to my dad and Sirius right away

"Ok, back to what I brought you here for. Draco is definitely in love with you"

I rolled my eyes at her
"Not you too"

"You don't see the way he looks at you, it's like you're the only person in the room"

"He's always do-done that" I choked out

"Exactly. I think he respects you too much to say anything while you're with Fred but trust me he is"

"He's my best friend" I said sadly "he knows that"

"And that's why he still supports every decision you make. He won't tell you, he would probably take it to his grave"

"I want to ask h-him"

"Or maybe we make polyjuice and get him to confess? Who would be confess it to?"

"I don't want t-t-to trick him. He wou-would hear my s-stutter and know"

"I would do the speaking, Crabbe and Goyle he would say something to right?"

I shrugged
"He's private"
I thought it over
If what Hermione said was true he wouldn't flat out tell me in fear that it would ruin our friendship
Maybe we should try

She looked up from a book she opened
"What if you transform into an animal like a cat and I'll transform into Blaise? He's good friends with him too right? And if you're a cat you won't have to speak"

"Like t-tran-transfiguration? You won't let this go will you" I sighed "I have enough to worry about l-like the egg Hermione"

"But you want to know don't you?"

Would it ruin our friendship if he was?
I love Fred and Draco
But I love Fred like a boyfriend and Draco like a best friend

"Ok fine, let's go f-f-find Blaise and get his h-hair" I said defeated

She got up and slammed her book shut
I jumped
"Hermione" I clutched my chest "you're scaring me"

She smirked
"I never get to have fun, this is exciting isn't it? Last time it didn't work for me but I know Blaise doesn't have pets so it should work fine"

"It'll take a month to make t-the potion r-right?"

She nodded her head
"Yes but the sooner we find Blaise the better. I want to work on it tonight, let's take a bath in the prefects room. We can make the potion there too, I have the password"

I stared at her dumbfounded

She smiled
"I'm in line for prefect next year so I got it early"

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