One Hundred Fourty

99 3 2

  "Cor Ignis" I said bowing lightly to her "my fire heart"

She walked towards me, close enough that I could feel her body heat
She's so warm
Romania is cold right now, it's night so it could be the reason but her heat is wonderful

I put my hand on her neck and began running my hands down her body
When I got close to her wings she opened them up widely for me

I heard footsteps coming closer, but I wasn't nervous or afraid of who it could be
When I looked into her eyes, I felt complete
Beautiful dark eyes with stunning midnight shades all over her body
Her transparent wings amazed me before, but seeing them again made me in awe

  "Unbelievable, incredible even" I heard someone say behind me

  "Told you, her dragon no one else's" Charlie said

I turned around with my hand still on her neck
  "Hello" I said to the tall boy staring widely at me
He had dark hair, with soft brown eyes
Fred's would light up with fire, but these eyes were like pools of chocolate
He stopped staring at me and smiled
When he smiled I felt my heart skip a beat

  "I'm sorry I'm being rude, my name is Nicolai you must be Cora" he put his hand out for me to shake

I took my hand from Cor and took his into my own
His grip was strong and his hands were callused

  "I am, you can call me Cora or Corey I'll answer to either" I smiled

He smirked
  "I go by Nicolai or Nico, Corey you're dragon has been a hellion to all of us. She loves one person fiercely and that's you"

I looked from Nicolai to Cor, she wrapped her tail around my body and blew out smoke towards him and Charlie
  "She's let Charlie near her that's it"

Charlie put his hand out for her but she scoffed it away
  "Remember who takes care of you when she's not around" he joked

She blew out fire towards him
He jumped out of the way and Nicolai laughed
  "She's crazy, but crazy is good around here. How long are you here for?"

  "A week, at least" I looked at Charlie
He raised his eyebrows suspiciously but agreed

  "At least a week, she could stay the rest of the summer if she wanted though. It's only a few extra weeks right?"

  "Right" I said smiling

  "Can I show you around?" Nicolai asked


Charlie hugged me goodnight
  "I'm going to bed, my tent is right over here" he pointed towards the left "I'll have your bed set up for you and your things left there"

  "Thank you, goodnight"

Charlie walked off towards his tent leaving me with Nicolai and Cor
She looked suspiciously at him but began walking with us as Nicolai showed me around the area

  "We needed a big spot for all of our dragons, this was the most perfect area"
The location was filled with trees, perfect for coverage but also tall enough that the dragons could perch

  "Aren't you afraid that the dragons will take off?" I asked curiously
I felt curiosity coming from Nicolai too

  "Not at all, we've trained them to stay with us. This isn't the main camp, in base we have dragons who aren't trained or that have been through too much and are too stressed to be left free. These dragons around us listen to commands, you're dragon arrived today. Charlie said you'd have no trouble with her"

She smacked Nicolai with her large tail
  "Cor come on" he said pushing her tail away but she kept pushing him around like it was a game

  "Fireheart play nice" I said petting her large face
She took her tail away from him and placed it around me again

  "She's difficult, but a beaut none the less. Do you know her back story?"

  "No, I don't know anything about her really"

  "She came from abuse, she was a circus pet. They used ice whips to harm the dragons into submission, and traveled with them to locations that weren't meant for fire breathers. When we got her, she was sickly and barely holding on. Charlie took care of her and mended her to heal, that's why he's the only one of us that can get close to her"

  "We're similar in that I suppose"

Nicolai gave me a strange look

  "We have similar past" I said explaining myself

  "I'm sorry to hear that, do you need to talk about it?"

  "I want one person to look at me and not feel pity for what I've been through, so no but thank you"

  "I wouldnt feel pity, everyone has demons but if it's best to keep it a secret than that's what it'll stay. You're safe here you know that right?"

  "Yeah, I feel safe with Charlie and Cor"

  "I hope you do with all of us. We all come from different backgrounds and struggles, but we found each other. We found a home"

We continued walking until we found ourselves on a hill overlooking the campground
I looked up at the stars and saw the beautiful night sky
The moon would be full by the end of the week, but for now I could sit in it and relax
Usually when the full moon was close to arriving, I felt off and weak
I don't feel that at all here

  "My favorite star is my astrology sign" Nico said sitting down on the ground
Cor curled onto the ground as well, but left a spot for me to sit near her
I sat down beside her and felt her wings wrap around me, forming a safety net

  "Which would be?"

  "Cancer, what's yours?"


  "I see we are both water signs and feel emotions strongly"

  "I suppose we both do" I closed my eyes and smiled up to the night sky
I felt Nico's emotions
Sweetness clouded my head
Chocolates surrounded my tastebuds
I couldn't help but smile with how much happiness he was pressing into me

  "I suppose we both do" I closed my eyes and smiled up to the night sky I felt Nico's emotionsSweetness clouded my headChocolates surrounded my tastebuds I couldn't help but smile with how much happiness he was pressing into me

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