Ninety One

134 7 8

Fred's POV

I watched Hermione bring Cora out of the hall
She had blood pouring out of her ears and running down onto her chest from her mouth
I wanted to follow them but Professor McGonagall stopped me from moving
  "What in Godric's name are you two doing??" She yelled "hitting Cora with those jinxes?!"

  "We didn't mean to hurt her" Draco said glaring at me
He tried to push passed Snape but he threw him back towards me

  "Don't even think about leaving"

  "She needs me" he said

  "She needs time away from you two" McGonagall yelled "we have guest visiting this school and here you are acting out against each other"

  "You both will serve detention with me" Moody said coming into the crowd "I will give them a worthy punishment"

I tightened my fist at my side
I just want to go see Cora
I would have never hurt her on purpose, I need her to know that

  "Fine by me" Snape said

  "You will begin now" McGonagall said "then maybe you both can visit her after dinner"

Moody grabbed both of our arms and pushed us forward
I was still angry with Draco
If he hadn't gotten involved she wouldn't have jumped in to stop us

Moody made us scrub out all of his disgusting jars in his classroom and then scrub down every surface and floor
Until the dinner bell rang
Draco and I worked in silence the entire time
Even when Moody made us pair up to clean something, we didn't speak

  "Go eat your punishment is done for today, see you both back here next week"

We nodded our heads and began walking out of his room
If I was going to talk to him now would be the time

I took a deep breath in

He continued walking forward, ignoring me

  "Can we talk?"

He glared at me and stopped moving
  "About what?? How you made Cora feel all yesterday and today?? How she wouldn't have felt the need to stop us from fighting if you DIDNT IGNORE HER FOR SOMETHING SHE DIDNT DO?! Which part do you want to talk about??"

  "What do you mean how she felt?"

He scoffed
  "You don't even know how badly she looks for your approval. You are one of the most important people in her life, she spent all last night crying in the astronomy tower because she felt so lost"

I felt my heart rip

  "And this morning she was upset still, and then you have the audacity to yell at her when she's trying to talk to you again?? What was that thing going on with Bell? A way to make her jealous? You're pathetic"

  "Katy wants to come out and ask Ginny on a date. Nothing crazy just a hogsmeade date. I told her anyone would be lucky to have her, especially my sister"

  "Why would you think she lied about entering? Don't you think you would be one of the first she would tell?"

I hate admitting he has a point

  "You're not mad at her?"

  "Why would I be? If she did or didn't enter it makes no difference, she needs my support either way. I'm terrified for her, which is why I'm going to help her as much as I can"

  "I need to go see her"

  "That's where I'm heading I'm not going to eat first"

Moody yelled out his door
  "If you two don't eat first I will have you come back and continue cleaning my cauldrons"

Draco and I stayed agitated the entire dinner hour
Anytime I looked his way he was eating quickly and packing up some food too, which I assumed was for Cora
I was doing the same, I saw he was getting her healthier options so I packed sweets that I knew would cheer her up

  "I hope Cora is ok" Harry said "I didn't want to overwhelm her in the hospital wing so I stayed here instead"

  "I hope so too" George said "what jinx were you sending to Draco?"

  "I was going to make his voice extremely high pitched for a few hours. The jinx he sent I assume had something to do with hearing, the mix of the two jinxes hurt her really badly"
I couldn't get the imagine of her bleeding through her mouth and ears out of my head
So much blood and I couldn't even help her

  "Dinners about to end I think we can go see her now" George said about to get up with me but we saw Hermione walking towards us so we stayed to talk to her instead
Draco noticed she entered the area, I saw him get up and walk over too

  "Hermione how is she?" He asked

She grabbed a turkey leg and delicately ate off of it
  "She lost her hearing and voice after taking on the jinxes, Madame Pomfrey gave her a potion that caused her a lot of pain for hours on end. Her hearing has come back but..."
She looked down at her meal and placed it onto a plate

  "But what?" I asked

  "Her voice isn't back, Madame Pomfrey said it won't be for a few days...if it shows back at all"

I felt my heart completely shatter
I looked at Draco and he had the same look on his face
Pure despair

  "What do you mean if at all??" Draco said panicked "it'll come back right?"

  "She told Cora a few days, but she pulled me aside and said she would be lucky that it would only take a few could take weeks months or years"

I shot the jinx that was meant for a voice box...if she loses her voice it's my fault
Her beautiful voice, the one that sings like an angel and calms me down instantly
Could be gone...

I got up from my seat and subconsciously began running to the hospital wing
I heard footsteps running behind me but I didn't bother to look and see who followed
I need to be with Cora

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