Twenty Five

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I kept what I heard to myself
I wanted to talk to Lupin alone before I told anyone about what I heard

The next morning we were all able to go back to our common rooms
The Professors and Head of Houses checked the castle and found no signs of Sirius Black still around

"You figure the Dementors hanging around would have caught him" Draco said when we were stretching out our limbs from sleeping on the ground

My back was stiff so I stretched it out extra this morning, doing a light amount of yoga

"Unless he's found a way to hide completely" I said

"How'd you sleep?" Fred asked me stretching his legs

"I didn't" I said stretching my neck out now

Fred and Draco looked at each other
"Why didn't you wake me i would have stayed up with you" Fred said

"Me too" Draco added

"You both looked peaceful I didn't want to be a bother"

"You could never bother me" Fred said

I heard footsteps approaching us
I turned around and saw the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team, Cedric Diggory, coming over to us

"Fred, Malfoy" he said looking at my companions "Hello Cora, I see you are a new player this year"

Fred and Draco glared at him

He laughed at their stares
"We're playing against each other in this weeks game, good luck" he put his hand out for me to shake

I looked at his hand and then at his face
He was smiling
He looks nice

I took his hand and shook it back
"Good luck to you too"

He walked away from our group and so did most of the students

"Fucking Diggory" Draco said scoffing "he thinks he's so great"

"He seemed nice" I said watching him leave

"He is too nice, it's annoying" Draco said

"And a good player, which is worse" Fred said

I rolled my eyes
"Ready to go to the common room? I want to change into my uniform"

Fred nodded his head and Draco hugged me goodbye

We walked up to the common room entrance and saw annoyed students waiting to get in

"What's wrong?" I asked Ron

He pointed to the newest portrait we had
"Sir Cadogan is making our lives difficult. He is using hard to guess passwords"

"Who wants to duel?? You!" He pointed to Fred "a worthy opponent finally!" He took his sword from his side and showed it to Fred who laughed

"What's the question?" I asked Sir Cardogan

He looked at me and bowed
"Madame Yaxley, the question is...what is my favorite color?"

Fred groaned but I cackled
"Fuchsia pink"

He dropped his sword and bowed lower
"You may enter"

Everyone looked at me with their jaws dropped
Fred laughed
"How did you know??" He asked walking with me through the portrait

"I've had a conversation with him before, he followed me from painting to painting and confessed things about himself to me. It was odd at the time but now I suppose it's helpful"

Fred went upstairs to change and I did too
I met him downstairs and looked at my schedule
Potions first
Defense class is last I can talk to him before dinner

"Ready Love" Fred said looking over my shoulder

"Love?" I felt my cheeks rise and blush creep into them

"Uh" he scratched his head "Corey I mean"

"Oh" I said folding my time chart "yeah let's go"

Classes went by and it was time for my defense class

I sat next to Hermione, we both grabbed our text books and waited for Professor Lupin to show up
But he didn't

In came Professor Snape instead
He walked to the front of the class with his cape following him from behind

I looked at Hermione confused

Ron and Harry rolled their eyes at us
"We had him for a double potion and now this" Ron said slouching

Snape turned to the class and glared at us
"Turn to page 394"

Hermione looked at me confused but we both turned our pages
At the top of the chapter the word
Was boldly lettered

"Sir we aren't studying werewolves, we aren't supposed to learn about nocturnal creatures yet" Hermione said

Snape walked over to our desk and slammed his hands next to us
I flinched

"Forget what you've been studying. For the next two weeks I'll be your Defense Professor" he snarled and then looked at me "maybe you could learn something from this"

Harry Ron and Draco all looked at me and then at Snape
What could I learn from werewolves

Snape began instructing us to read on our own and write an 8 page essay on spotting werewolves

One week before the full moon they are unmanageable, the week of the full moon they are incredibly strong
The full moon they transform

A person must be bit by a werewolf during a full moon when the werewolf is already transformed
When their saliva gets in contact with the victims blood stream, they become infected
Studies in werewolves' children are rare
Most werewolves do not reproduce for fear of transferring the disease onto their kin

Any bite or scratch from a werewolf will leave a permanent scar

The only known potion to combat the symptoms is Wolfsbane
The illness can not be cured, only managed by drinking the potion once a month before the full moon appears

My heart was racing and when I looked up at Snape he was already staring at me
"Learn something?" He asked condescendingly, his eyebrows reached his forehead

I kept quiet and tried to focus on my breathing
A potion a week before the full moon
The full moon is next week
After my quidditch game I have to go to Madame Pomfrey for my potion...
Im a werewolf

I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my book
I shoved it into my bag and left the classroom
I heard Draco and Hermione yell for me but I kept going

I need to talk to Dumbledore
If Lupin is off because he's a werewolf then he's my next option for answers

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