Forty Six

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  "Ron keep hold of that rat" Hermione said annoyed under the cloak
Ron shook off the cloak and tried holding Scabbers who was biting at his hands
We all went under to start walking back to the castle, it was getting dark and the moon was going to show soon
For now the clouds covered it

  "He won't stay still your bloody cat is in front of us" Ron said pointing to the forbidden forest
In front of the tall dark trees was Crookshanks and a large black dog, walking from the forest
The same dog that was at the Quidditch game...

Ron had the cloak off already, so Harry took it off the rest of us
The dog sniffed the air and then looked directly at Harry
"Have you seen that dog before?" He asked

"Most recently at a quidditch game..."

"Uh mates" Ron said pointing to the dog
We all looked and saw it begining to run towards us with Crookshanks chasing behind it

  "Run!" Harry said

We all took off running as fast as we could from the dog
"Hermione I told you your cat was evil" Ron yelled while we ran

The dog caught up to us before we could reach the castle
First the dog jumped onto Harry, but it wasn't was excited
He licked his face and wagged his tail
But when he looked at Ron, a low growling formed and drool came from its mouth

The dog snapped it's teeth in Ron's direction
  "Nice dog" Ron said panicked "I like dogs..."
Hermione and I were with Harry who shoved us behind him

The dog barked loudly and then jumped for Ron and grabbed him by his leg, he started dragging Ron and Scabbers away down the hill we just ran from

  "Ron!!" We yelled
Harry dropped the cloak and we ran for where Ron was being dragged, the Womping Willow

I noticed my arm began burning hot like a live flame was on it
I looked up and noticed the moon was uncovered completely, not a cloud in the sky
My skin began to burn more the longer I was in moonlight, it felt like I was being branded

I grabbed my arms that were uncovered and tried covering them with the bottom of my shirt, but my head began burning too

I tried running still but my body was in too much pain
I fell to the ground clutching my head and covering my arms with my body
Everything was so hot on me
I'm burning alive

  "Cora!!" Hermione yelled
Her and Harry were at the whomping willow, Harry was trying to find a way into it, he threw spells at the tree but it just angered it
The whomping willow began thrashing its limbs around trying to crush Harry

Hermione ran to me and grabbed me
She looked around and saw a tree that had shade, so she brought me over to it to be covered from the moon
She gave me her jacket to cover my head
  "Stay here until we find a way in"

She took off to help Harry battle the tree
I was useless...
Completely useless
Ron was injured, Harry and Hermione were being attacked and all I could do was sit here because of the fucking moon

  "Wait..." I remembered hearing a rumor that if you managed to stun the tree it would stop moving completely
I got up slowly, my body was in pain still so I couldn't move fast
I grabbed my wand and faced it to the tree

Harry and Hermione were both flying around on the branches, trying to avoid being crushed
Hermione was screaming, she hated heights and was being tossed around in the air like a quaffle
I have to aim well...I can't hit them

  "Stupefy!" I yelled at the tree and it stopped moving
Harry was in the middle of the tree being dragged through, and Hermione was as high in the air as the tree could get her
All the branches began to fall slowly to the ground, Harry was the first to fall Hermione used other branches to get down safely

I took a deep breath and ran from my shade with Hermione's jacket over my body
I went into the whomping willow hideaway that I saw Ron get dragged into
Hermione and Harry followed me

  "Are you ok?" Harry asked
My skin was burnt from the moon, it was all raw and patchy
My scalp was in the most pain, I just recently recovered from how badly it hurt after the Quidditch game

  "I guess I know what happens when I skip my potion" I said lightly touching my skin
My skin reacted like it had been sunburnt

Hermione stayed by me as Harry lead the way through the tunnel

  "Where does this lead?" Hermione asked

  "The shrieking shack" I said "I heard Fred and George talk about it when they showed me their map, well now your map I suppose" I said to Harry "I heard they passed it on to you"

  "It got confiscated by your dad, so your dad's map" he said "better than who originally wanted it which was Snape"

"I'm sure my dad would give it back if I asked...Hermione is that Crookshanks?" when we got into the shack I saw Crookshanks who was moving from the stairs to the upper level

  "Crookshanks" Hermione whispered "come"

He looked at her but kept walking upstairs
We followed him
Each step creaked when we took one, the shack was almost completely dark except for the moonlight coming in through the windows
Harry walked near the wall to shield me from the light

We reached the top floor and could hear voices, one sounded like Ron but the other was a deeper older male's voice
I bet the dog was an it Sirius Black?

Crookshanks disappeared into a room on the far right, where the noises came from
We looked at Harry but he was already making his way into the room
Hermione and I followed him

Inside I saw Ron was on the ground with Crookshanks next to him
Ron still had Scabbers in his hand, just barely he was scratching at Ron trying to get free

"Ron you're ok" Harry said in front of us

Ron pointed behind us
"It's him! Sirius Black!"

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