One Hundred Seven

98 4 4

  "Hello Cora" Blaise said to me

Hermione and I left the library and grabbed my egg before heading to find Blaise Zambini
I've been keeping it on me as much as I can, hoping that being out with it will spark ideas on what it could be saying
At first we checked the lake, then the dungeons, finally the quidditch field but we had no luck
Ironically on our way to the prefect's bathroom we found him

  "Hello" I said back "what are you doing here?"

He smirked at me
  "Speaking again? I bet Draco is happy"

I hadn't even had time to tell Draco or Fred
Hermione was the only one who knew, now Blaise does
I feel bad that he's the first to know outside of her but I'll deal with the rest later

  "I haven't been able to find him to-to tell him" I said

He walked up closely to me
  "Ah, so I'm the first" he said looking me up and down "I was taking a bath, I should have waited, if I knew you were in your way I would have and then asked you to join"

  "Hermione w-was the f-first" I said

  "Do I make you nervous?" He asked

I scrunched my eyebrows together

I looked at Hermione and she was looking at him with annoyance
I didn't think she had an issue with him but I could be wrong

  "You're stuttering I thought it was because you were nervous around me" he stepped closer
At this point he was face to face with me
He was the same height as Draco, a little shorter than Fred

  "I'm stutt-stuttering because my-my voice isn't b-back yet" I said with as much attitude as I could

He smirked
  "If you ever get sick of Fred or Draco I'm third in line" he said "especially for what's coming up"

  "I won't" I said "wh-what's coming up?"

He winked
  "I love a girl who gives it back to me. You'll see I suppose"

I pushed passed him and walked with Hermione towards the women's room

  "That was interesting" she said "but I got it" she showed me a small strand of his hair

  "When? I'm surprised he didn't notice"

She chuckled
  "He was too busy admiring your beauty"

I rolled my eyes
  "I definitely need this bath"

We walked into the room and placed the egg on the edge of the bath tub
It was enormous
Bubbles floated around the room and it smelt of mangos and kiwi
The room was dimmed with sounds of waves
The walls were magical and had a mermaid waving to us peacefully

  "This is s-so pretty" I said taking off my clothes and getting into the tub

Hermione began making the potion first, it would take an hour for everything to settle so she wanted a head start

I dipped my toes in, when I realized it was the perfect temperature I let myself sink all the way

10 minutes went by and Hermione had finally come into the bath with me

  "Blaise was being weird" I said

  "He likes you too" she said "he's egotistical, so full of himself" she said resting her head on the wall

  "I don't understand why everyone likes me"

  "I do, you're pretty"

"No you are, truly I'm average"

Hermione laughed and titled her head back
But when she did she knocked over my egg, landing in the water
"Oh no!" She said trying to grab it

I put my head under the water too and helped grab the slippery egg now
When we brought it back up I looked at her curiosity
"Should we?"

She nodded her head
I opened the egg, it began to scream but when I dropped it back in the water it was silent

"Weird" she said
We both put our heads under the water and heard a melody being sung from the egg

Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot sing above the ground
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss
An hour long you'll have to look
And recover what we took
But past an hour the prospect's black
Too late it's gone it won't come back

I got back to the surface and looked at Hermione with my mouth wide open

  "Merfolk!! How did I not guess that?" She said smacking her head

  "How would you h-have?" I asked

  "The sound it made, I read about it but I didn't think twice when I skimmed the page. This is incredible we have to tell Harry!"

  "B-but wh-what does it m-mean?" I asked

"I memorized it, I will figure it out tonight for you two" she sank back down into the tub "did I tell you that Viktor asked me to the ball?"

I raised my eyebrows
"W-what bball?"

She looked back at me
"The Yule haven't heard about it yet?"

I shook my wet head
"No, Fred hasn't mentioned it either"

"Well you two are probably going together and he's a boy. I bet he didn't think he needed to ask you"

"I kind of w-wish he did..."

I know we are together but it would have been nice for him to ask me or at least see if I knew about it

"Viktor asked you? That's a-awesome. I-I didn't even kn-know you liked him"

She blushed
"He's really sweet and handsome, I was surprised he asked me too. He has been hanging around me a lot, I think he likes when I'm studying that's usually where he finds me"

"When a-aren't you s-studying?" I asked laughing

Hermione laughed with me
"I'm glad you can speak again, let's relax for a little longer and then go find the boys to tell them. I'm sure you'll want to find Draco as well"

I thought about how happy Draco and Fred would be to hear my voice again
I smiled at the thought
They're both so wonderful

"The potion looks good too...we will bottle it up and wait a month for it to settle. After the holiday is gone by we will see what Draco really thinks of you"

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