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"Hey Fred I'm going to go sit with Draco for the remaining ride...is that ok?"

"If that's what you want of course, want me to walk you there?"

"No it's ok, I know you two don't really get along so I'll go alone"

"We don't but I'll play nice for you" he smiled

"I'll see you later ok?" I smiled back "thank you"

"For what?"

"Being nice to me"

"You don't have to thank me for that, you deserve a lot more than you've been given"

I looked at him puzzled
"What do you mean?"

I heard footsteps behind me and when I turned I saw that Draco was next to me

"Malfoy" Fred said back

"Draco I was just going to go look for you" I said bringing his attention back

He looked at me
"Want to come sit with me for the rest of the ride?"

I nodded my head
"Thank you again Fred"

Draco gently grabbed my bag from my arm and then put his hand out for me to take and I did. I walked back to the Slytherin side of the train, I could feel Fred's gaze on me the entire way

Draco's compartment had the usual Goyle and Crabbe but there was a new girl in it this time around
I hate meeting new people

She was sitting near the window in the spot I usually took up
"Pansy move" Draco said

She glared at him
"Why I was here first"


She reluctantly moved over and he let me sit down first, then he sat beside me
Pansy moved over to the opposite side of the compartment, directly in front of me

"And you are?" She demanded looking at me

"Cora" I said blandly

She smirked
"Why's a Gryffindor on this end? No friends in your own house?"

Draco glared at her
"Pansy shut the hell up"

She looked like she had gotten smacked in the face
"What are you two a thing?"

"He's my—"

"Best friend now get out or shut up I'm so sick of hearing you talk today" he said

She got up from her seat and left the compartment, glaring at me the entire way out

The door slammed behind her and Goyle laughed
"Man she has a thing for you all right" he said

"She's pretty cute don't you think?" Crabbe said staring at the door

"She's annoying as hell that's what she is" Draco said "she showed up in our compartment this morning and refused to leave" he said looking at me

"She seemed...interesting"

"That's putting it nicely. How's your arm?"

I looked at my still broken arm in its sling
"Throbbing still, after dinner I'll have to make a point to see Madame Pomfrey"

"I'll go with you"

"Thank you, Hermione wants me to sit with her during dinner so I can find you after?"

"Thats fine" he sounded disappointed

"Did I say something?" I felt my heart race
I tried my best to never offend Draco, I couldn't lose him
It scared me how dependent I felt on him

"No, I like that you're making friends with your house...I just wish you were in Slytherin so I could watch over you better. I care about you"

I felt my cheeks rise up
"Thank you for caring"

He smiled
"I don't think I've ever seen you smile"

"It's new for me this year"

"I like it"

I smiled again
"Thank you for being there for me"

He nodded

"You guys are disgusting" Goyle said pretending to gag

Draco glared at him
"shut the fuck up"

"You aren't that nice to us" Crabbe said pouting

"Stop being so annoying and maybe I will be"

I laughed, Draco looked at me
His eyes softened slightly, the ragging storms that his grey eyes typically held were calm for me
He laughed with me, this would mark the first time we enjoyed a moment together

The train ride ended, I walked with Draco off and into the castle
When we entered the Great Hall I hugged him tightly and then went and found Hermione who had a seat opened for me
She smiled when she saw me walking up to her

"Hey!" She said excited, her arm flagging me down even though I had no intentions of skipping past her

"Hey" I said back sitting down "how was the train ride for you all? Did the dementors go into your compartment too?"

Harry looked up at me
"Yeah did you pass out too?"

I shook my head
"No, the new defense Professor came and sent it away before we got that far" Harry looked annoyed "Fred and Draco tried to protect me from it but when it saw me it spirited over my way, I'm sure I would have ended up passing out too. It's nothing to be ashamed of they're nasty"

He nodded his head and then went back to talking to Seamus

"Why do you like Draco?" Ron asked staring at the Slytherin table

"He's my best friend, he was my only friend when I started school and he understands me. I wish you all could see the side of him that I do" I said looking behind me and seeing Draco push Goyle into Crabbe making room for himself on the table

"He's kind of an ass" Ron said

"To most people he is, he's never that way to me"

"So what happened to your arm?" Seamus asked now paying attention to our conversation

"I fell" I said anxiously

"She told me about it when I saw her near the restroom, she was helping a neighbor kid build a treehouse and then she fell from the top of it" Hermione said stepping in for me

"Your dad didn't take you to the hospital?" Ron asked

"She did it right before she left for the leaky cauldron, she told him she would get it fixed here"

I silently thanked Hermione for stepping into this conversation for me

"Makes sense, did the treehouse come out well?" Seamus asked

I nodded my head

"Then it was worth it" he said laughing

Dumbledore's speech began and he told us about how Dementors would be roaming the school grounds for most of the year, and he introduced Remus Lupin as our newest Defense teacher
I couldn't help but feel like I knew him already...the way he looked at me made me feel like he knew me too

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