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Hermione arrived last night, she was staying with Ginny and I
I had a big enough bed that I told her she could sleep with me

We were going to pick up Harry today, I was going with Fred George and Arthur
Ron wanted to go but he had too many chores left to do, I helped Fred finish his and George finished his early as well

I was downstairs, waiting for Arthur to get ready for our arrival to Harry's Aunt and Uncle's house
Fred poked my shoulder and I turned to look at him
  "Look at these" he said showing me his pocket
Inside looked to be candy
I scrunched my eyebrows, looking at his collection curiously

I went to take one but he pulled back
  "Not sharing? Cruel"

He smirked
  "You wouldn't want these, it's a new invention of ours"

George walked over to me and showed me his pocket, he had some too
  "We're going to give them to Harry's good for nothing cousin. He hates him, so we figured now is a good time to test these"

I laughed softly
  "What do they do?"

  "You'll see" Fred said closing his pocket when Arthur came over to us

  "Right let's go get Harry" he said grabbing floo powder "remember repeat what I say exactly, we don't need to go on a rescue mission for anyone"

Arthur stepped into the fireplace
"4 Privet Drive Little Whinging Surrey"

The fireplace turned green and engulfed him
"I'm next" George said

He repeated what his dad said and disappeared as well
I went to go next but Fred stopped me
"Let's go together" he put his hand out for me

I grabbed it and walked into the fireplace with him
I was small enough that we had enough room to move around still
Fred repeated what the others said, I didn't trust myself enough to say it if I didn't have to

The fire engulfed us too, and I felt my body twist into a small ball
I never let go of Fred's hand, he held on just as tightly, maybe even more
When we landed at our destination I heard George and Arthur arguing

"Great now they're here" George said
We are all stuck, did they board up the fireplace?"

I knew Arthur had their fireplace hooked up to the floo network, maybe his Uncle covered it for that reason

I was squished against a wall behind Fred
He tried moving over but with four of us here there wasn't much room to move
I heard footsteps come up to the fireplace
"Harry are you there? Did we get the address wrong?" Arthur asked out loud

"Fred" I said lifting my head up "you're squishing me" I tried to get out but George started arguing with Fred

"Is that you guys?" Harry asked

"Harry will you stand back" Arthur said
I saw him grabbing his wand
Fred pushed me back into the wall I was finally starting to move away from
George pushed himself in front of me too

Arthur pointed his wand at the boarded fireplace
"Bombarda" Arthur said
The wall exploded and Fred turned around to cover my face with his chest

When the wall was done exploding Fred moved from in front of me and we walked over the wood pieces that were all over the floor
Fred got out first and then held his hand out for me to take
I took it and he helped me into the living room

I looked around
His Aunt and Uncle's house was so...muggle
That was the best way I could describe it
I walked around the living room and saw photos of two adults and a child, none of Harry
I picked up a portrait and looked at it closely
"Don't touch that" a male voice barked out

He scared me so I dropped it and it shattered on the ground
"I'm so sorry" I said picking up the photo but the male ran over to me and grabbed it from my hand

Fred walked over to me and glared at the male who was standing no where close to Fred's height
He was chubby and balding, if I had to guess I'd say he's mid age
Harry's Uncle

"I didn't mean to break it" I said holding my hand behind my back
It was bleeding slightly from the glass that cut me when he pulled the photo away

"Keep your freakish fingers off of my things" he barked

"Want to say that again?" Fred threatened him

The ugly male audibly gulped when Fred challenged him

"Hello Mr and Mrs Dursley" Arthur said trying to be polite
Fred and George didn't care about being polite, they didn't like his relatives but they despised them now for being rude to me

"You're late" he said

"Sorry, we were stuck in the fireplace. Harry told you how we set it up with Floo networks right?" Arthur asked

"Floo??" The male asked impatiently "what did you do to my fireplace??"

"I can fix it no trouble" Arthur said pulling out his wand and fixing both the fireplace and the picture frame that shattered

"Let's go get your things" Fred said to Harry
He George and Harry ran upstairs to retrieve his baggage
I stayed downstairs with Arthur, trying to make friends with the Dursley's

They glared at Arthur but it was their son who wouldn't stop looking at me the most
"Whats your name?" He demanded straightening out his hair

"Cora" I said trying to be nice

He straightened out his shirt and puffed out his chest
"Dudley is my name" he walked up to me
"You're pretty" he said boldly

"Uh" I said looking at anyone for help but Arthur was too busy trying to chat with the muggles to notice my desperation

"Are you a freak like my cousin?" He asked

I raised my eyebrows annoyed
"Depends what you define a freak as"

"Maybe being a one isn't so bad" he got closer to me but stopped before he got in my face
He looked behind me and walked back slowly

I looked around and saw Fred was standing behind me with his arms crossed around his chest, showing off his strong biceps from years of playing Quidditch

Dudley backed off completely, he went close to his mum
I looked at Fred and smiled
He wasn't smiling though, his face stayed still and serious
Fred's so protective

"Ready to go?" George asked us
I nodded my head and began walking towards the fireplace

"I take it back, you're a freak and ugly" Dudley yelled to me
I turned around and he was looking at me all red in the face
He was embarrassed that Fred over powered him

Fred glared at Dudley and then dropped "candy" on the ground
"Oh shit" he said going for them slowly but Dudley ran for the items
He grabbed each piece that Fred dropped and then George dropped some extra ones as well
Dudley chewed on them right away, smacking his lips in a taunting way
"If they fall in my house they're mine" he barked

Fred shrugged his shoulders
"Fair enough. Ready to go?" He asked me

I grabbed his hand and we walked into the fireplace after George
But we waited for a moment to see Dudley's tongue grow extremely large and long
It grew to be about 8 feet long before the fireplace took us back

I was belly laughing by the time we entered the burrow

"Did it work?!" George asked

Fred nodded his head while laughing hysterically too
"Fucker deserves it for the way he treats Harry, Cora too"

"Was he really hitting on you? Disgusting pig" George said

"Yeah it was so weird" I said "it's not like I'm pretty"

"You're beautiful" Fred said making me blush

George started pretending to gag

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