Wait, who??

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Jeg kom inn i studioet til stor applaus fra publikum, jeg smilte og neiet før jeg satte meg ned i stolen rett ovenfor han.

-You are truly as beautiful as the magazines show, Alexis. Sa han og blunket til meg smilende.

-Thank you, you aren't so bad yourself. Sa jeg, publikum humret smilende.

-Hahaha! Okay, you are funny! Anyways, Alexis Cubard was in this weeks Vogue, as she always is, and talked about her life. But we didn't get to know her good since she was, hmm, can we call ut secrefull? Spurte han smilende, jeg nikket og hevet skuldrene uskyldig.

-Okay, so this is the magazine, have a look at that... Jeg snudde meg rundt til tv-en som sto på ett bord mellom oss. Jeg sto i en hvit lang kjole med håret oppsatt høyt med krøller som falt litt ned i ansiktet mitt.

Publikum jublet og jeg takket smilende og møtte blikket til intervjueren igjen.

-Okay, let's just read what you DID tell about yourself!

"My name is Alexis Cubard and my life has never been a joyride, but I've always had my two bestest of friends to guide me through it!"

Matt møtte blikket mitt igjen.

-It's basically what you say through 4 pages, I just summond it up! Sa han og lo kort, jeg smilte til ham.

-Okay, let's start with the basics. Do you have a middle name? Spurte han, jeg nikket.

-My middle name is Marie... And I have to be honest, Matt. I heard my full name quite a lot from my mother... Sa jeg og så på han uskyldig, han hevet øyenbrynene smilende.

-Oh, why's that? Spurte han med et smilende glimt i øyet.

-I think you know what I mean, I wasn't an angel as a teen.... Sa jeg og lo kort.

-Oh, now you've got to tell us more! Sa han og fikk publikum til å juble høyt.

-Hahaha! Uhm, you see I had one bestfriend growing up, and later I became friends with my second one and we hung out a lot!

-Two bestfriends, what was their names and do you still keep in touch?

-Uhm... It's a touchy subject... I lost contact with both of them when I moved to New York the second time... Sa jeg trist, publikum sukket trist med meg.

-Why did you lose contact? I heard that the first time you moved, you managed to keep in touch very good?

-Well, the second time I moved, my bestest friend had gotten signed and was making an album or something, so I never saw him and didn't even get to say bye when I moved...

-I'm sorry... Oh! We've forgotten the most basic question! Where are you from?

-I'm from Detroit. Sa jeg, folk jublet høyt og fikk meg til å le. Matt så på meg smilende.

-From Detroit?? But you speak like a New Yorker?

-Oh, no. Let's call it my cover! Hahah! I had a really thick slang-accent when I first moved here, but I got used to the "proper" accent really fast. Haha!

-Haha! Lo han og møtte blikket mitt smilende. -There's a pretty known rapper from Detroit that currently is in the media and everywhere else in these days, are you into rap? Spurte han.

-I used to, I don't listen to so much anymore, but my two bestfriends were rappers! They were so fff---... Ehrm, they were both really good. Sa jeg og smilte til han.

-You probably know who I'm talking about don't you? Sa han smilende, jeg så på ham spørrende.

-No? Should I? I haven't gotten into the media stuff the last year, I've been so busy with everything! Lo jeg, han smilte til meg før et bilde dukket opp på skjermen igjen, jeg smilte og så bort på tv-en, jeg fikk store øyne da jeg så bildet. (bilde)

-OH MY GOD!! Jeg måpte på bildet, Matt så på meg smilende.

-So you do know who he is! Lo han, jeg møtte blikket hans.

-Tell me! Matt, please just tell me why he is on this screen!

-Who is on the screen? You seem to know him, have you heard his new album?

-Matt, you don't know how happy I am right now! That, is my bestfriend! Matt og publikum måpte.

-HE is your longtime lost bestfriend???

-Yes! Me, Marshall and Proof!! Have you heard anything about Proof??? Spurte jeg, Matt nikket smilende.

-Proof is always with Eminem, on stage and off stage! But please, tell me! How can he be your bestfriend??

-Oh my god, he has changed a lot... D12, the group that Proof and Marshall gathered back in 1996! He's gotten a lot of new tattooes since last time I saw him! And, I do know something you might not know, Matt....

-Oh, what's that??

-You see the bracelet he has around his wrist? Not the tattoed one, which was his first tattoo!


-That, was my gift to him some days before we moved to New York the first time! I can't believe he still wears it, but so do I! Sa jeg smilende og tok av smykket jeg hadde rundt halsen.

-I got if from him the day I moved, he was 19 and I was 17, about to turn 18 3 weeks later. Jeg så opp på Matt bønnfallende.

-Please, do you know where he is?? I need to find him! Sa jeg, Matt smilte til meg.

-He's actually coming to New York next week for a concert, I'm gonna interview him on the show as well. I can tell him I have a surprise and bring you out?

-CAN YOU!!! OH MY GOD!!!! Jeg pep og jublet om hverandre, jeg kan ikke tro det!! ENDELIG!!!

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