Stay With Me P.101 (Chenno)💖

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It was a crisp autumn evening, and the soft glow of the computer screen illuminated the dimly lit room. Jeno sat at his desk, fingers deftly dancing across the keyboard as he navigated through the virtual world of online gaming. His intense focus was broken only by the sound of laughter and animated chatter coming from the headset he wore.

"Chenle, you're a beast at this game!" Jisung exclaimed, his voice crackling through the microphone.

Jeno couldn't help but roll his eyes as he continued to play, knowing that Chenle and Jisung were in the midst of another one of their competitive banter sessions. It was a common occurrence during their virtual gaming sessions, and it never failed to remind Jeno of just how close the two of them were. Chenle and Jisung had always been inseparable, like two peas in a pod, and their bond was undeniable. They laughed together, strategized together, and even finished each other's sentences.

For Jeno, who had been friends with Chenle for years as part of NCT Dream, it was both heartwarming and frustrating to witness. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy deep within him. He had never admitted it to anyone, not even to himself, but he couldn't deny the twinge of longing that accompanied his envy. He wished he could be as close to Chenle as Jisung was. He wished he could be the one to make Chenle laugh like that, to share secrets and inside jokes, to be his confidant.

But Jeno had always kept his feelings hidden, buried beneath layers of friendship and camaraderie. He couldn't risk jeopardizing the bond he had with Chenle by confessing his emotions. So, he continued to play along, pretending to be just another member of the group, just another friend.

As the gaming session continued, Jeno found himself growing increasingly restless. He couldn't concentrate on the game, couldn't shake off the feeling of yearning that had settled in his chest. He needed to do something, say something, anything to alleviate the turmoil within him.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to speak, his voice trembling slightly as he addressed Chenle through the headset. "Hey, Chenle," he began, trying to keep his tone casual.

Chenle, still engrossed in the game, responded without taking his eyes off the screen. "Yeah, what's up, Jeno?"

Jeno hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. "I, uh...I wanted to talk to you about something."

Jisung, who had been engrossed in the game as well, suddenly perked up at the change in tone. "Ooh, Jeno's got something serious to say," he teased.

Chenle, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, turned his full attention to Jeno. "What is it, Jeno?"

Jeno cleared his throat, his palms growing clammy. "Well, you see...I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now. It's just that...I didn't know how to bring it up."

Jisung and Chenle exchanged curious glances, their playful banter fading into an expectant silence. Jeno took a deep breath and blurted out the words that had been weighing on his heart for far too long. "Chenle, I...I have feelings for you."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now