Stay With Me P.174 (Xiaosung)💖

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over Seoul. Xiaojun and Jisung had always been on the periphery of each other's lives. They were part of the sprawling NCT family, a group of young men brought together by talent and ambition, but their paths hadn't crossed in any significant way. That was until NCT 2023, a year that would change everything.

It started with fleeting moments, passing each other in the hallway of the NCT dorm, nodding in acknowledgment. Their conversations were limited to brief exchanges of pleasantries, a casual "Hey" or "How's your day going?" Yet, even in those short moments, there was a spark, an unspoken connection that left both of them feeling a little more alive.

One evening, as the members of NCT gathered in the communal dining area for dinner, Xiaojun found himself sitting across from Jisung. He couldn't help but steal glances at the younger boy. Jisung was engrossed in a conversation with Mark and Chenle, his face animated as he laughed at something Mark said. Xiaojun admired the way Jisung's eyes crinkled when he smiled, the way his fingers drummed lightly on the table in rhythm with his laughter.

Xiaojun was drawn to Jisung's energy, his youthful exuberance. He had always been the more reserved member of NCT, a quiet observer in a group of vibrant personalities. But there was something about Jisung that made him want to break out of his shell, to engage in the kind of banter and camaraderie that he had long admired from a distance. As dinner progressed, Xiaojun found himself inching closer to Jisung's end of the table, drawn by the magnetic pull of their connection. He joined the conversation, making jokes and sharing anecdotes, feeling the warmth of Jisung's laughter wash over him like a gentle tide.

After dinner, as the members dispersed to their respective rooms, Xiaojun lingered in the hallway, pretending to check his phone. He hoped that Jisung would emerge from the dining area, and they could continue their conversation. It was a bold move for him, someone who had always been content to observe from the sidelines.

To his delight, Jisung did appear, and their eyes met in the dimly lit corridor. Xiaojun offered a shy smile, his heart pounding in his chest. "Hey, Jisung," he said, the words feeling both natural and foreign on his tongue.

Jisung's face lit up with recognition. "Xiaojun! That was fun, right? Dinner, I mean."

Xiaojun nodded, his stomach fluttering with nerves. "Yeah, it was. I had a great time."

Jisung took a step closer, his eyes searching Xiaojun's. "Me too. Hey, do you want to hang out? Just the two of us?"

The question hung in the air, and for a moment, Xiaojun was lost in thought. He'd never spent one-on-one time with Jisung before, and the prospect was both exciting and intimidating. But he didn't want to let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

"Sure," Xiaojun replied, his voice more confident than he felt. "I'd like that."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now