Stay With Me P.77 (Kuncas)💖

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Kun wakes up to the usual sun in his eyes, because for some odd reason Lucas never feels like shutting the shades before going to bed. Whining, he burying his head into the other's chest, still hearing the slight snores of Lucas who is still fast asleep.

The comfortable feeling of warmth consuming him, and the lovely thoughts of the other crossing his head as he stares at the others features. The sun warming his skin as well as the others arms that over the night somehow never left from the other.

Being in Lucas' arm is something that is very comforting to Kun, and he doesn't remember a time when he wasn't in the other's arms. I guess you could say they were a couple long before they were ever a couple.


It started when Lucas joined NCT in 2018. Kun had locked eyes with Lucas that day, and it was almost like they had a staring contest that neither wanted to loose. The other had big innocent eyes that shone bright with passion, and his goofily tall height.

"I am Lucas, please take care of me well."

And it was that introduction. That is all it took for Kun, to fall deeply in love with the other and not have the heart to tell him that.

"Hi Lucas I am Kun," Kun bows his head at the other smiling at the other who is very adorable and dear like.

"Hello Kun hyung," Lucas smiles back, an adoring smile if that.


"Kun hyung," Lucas speaks after a moment of silence.

It was right after Lucas had leaned in and accidentally kissed Kun on the lips. The other male was in complete shock because it was out of the blue. Its not like the other was doing the classic talking to him and kissed him, no, he just walked up and placed his lips on the other for a slight moment.

It had shocked Kun, and he didn't really have an answer at the moment of what he was supposed to do or say. Or even in the slightest how he is supposed to feel.

"Yes Lucas ah," answers Kun after a moment of silence between the two.

"Is that normal? To want to walk up and kiss you?" Lucas asks innocently. It can even be told in his eyes.

"No," shakes his head Kun, " but if that is what you want to do. I won't stop you in doing it."

Listening to his words, Lucas isn't sure what to feel or what to do about it. All he knows is that his heart beats a little faster when he is around Kun. And he doesn't want that feeling to go away anytime soon. He likes the feeling he gets around Kun.

"Can we continue to do this?" Asks Lucas innocently.

Kun is stunned in his place, and not able to move in inch. His words getting caught in his throat. He nods his head in a shaking yes. Watching as Lucas smiles shyly back at him and leaning in and placing a soft and innocent kiss on his lips again.

And than, he just walks away.

Leaving Kun in his spot too stunned to move or speak.


And for the next few weeks that same actions continues. Lucas would walk in the room and he would hang around Kun for a little while, and hang around him and he would place a kiss on the other's lips and then he would walk away, leaving Kun too stunned to chase after the other and ask any questions.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now