Stay With Me P.142 (Markdery)💖

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Amidst the vibrant chaos of the NCT 2020 recording sessions, two young men found themselves drawn together by the magnetic pull of music and camaraderie. Mark and Hendery, each harboring their own unique talents and insecurities, would embark on a journey that would take them far beyond the recording studio.

The recording of "Misfit" had been a whirlwind of creativity and collaboration. The members of NCT 2020 had gathered from all corners of the world, their diverse backgrounds and talents converging to create something truly extraordinary. Among them were Mark and Hendery, both assigned pivotal roles in the project.

Mark had always been known for his impeccable rap skills and the unique tone of his voice. His lyrical prowess was beyond his years, and it had a mesmerizing effect on those who listened. Despite being one of the youngest in the group, Mark had a commanding presence that was impossible to ignore. He approached his craft with a quiet intensity, a determination that burned brightly within him.

Hendery, on the other hand, was a bundle of contradictions. His charming personality and infectious laughter could light up a room, but beneath the surface, he carried a heavy burden of self-doubt. He had always admired Mark from afar, even before they crossed paths in NCT 2020. Mark's talent was undeniable, and to Hendery, it felt like an insurmountable mountain he could never hope to climb.

Their first encounter was a brief exchange of greetings in the studio. Mark had offered a polite nod, his focus locked on the upcoming recording. Hendery had stammered out a greeting, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He couldn't shake the feeling of being in the presence of a true prodigy. As the recording sessions progressed, Mark's rapping style and tone continued to captivate Hendery. He found himself studying Mark's every move, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table as he tried to decipher the secrets behind Mark's lyrical magic. Hendery's notebook was filled with scribbled notes and observations, a testament to his admiration.

But for all of Hendery's fascination with Mark, there was an undeniable wall between them. It was a wall constructed not by Mark but by Hendery himself. The young rapper was overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy whenever he was around Mark. He couldn't help but compare himself to the younger artist, and the comparisons were rarely favorable. Hendery knew that Mark's age was just a number. Talent knew no age boundaries, and Mark's abilities were proof of that. Yet, the feeling of being overshadowed by a teenager gnawed at Hendery's self-esteem. He couldn't find the courage to strike up a meaningful conversation with Mark, let alone collaborate with him.


The turning point in their relationship came in the wake of Lucas's scandal. Lucas, a close friend of both Mark and Hendery, had found himself embroiled in controversy, and the entire group was reeling from the fallout. Mark, always perceptive and empathetic, decided to visit WayV to offer his support. As Mark entered the WayV dorm, he was greeted by somber faces and a heavy atmosphere. The members were clearly shaken by what had transpired, and Lucas's absence was keenly felt. Mark felt a surge of sympathy for his friends, and he knew he had to do something to lift their spirits.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now