Stay With Me P. 96 (Markmin)💖

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The First Era had been a whirlwind of success and dreams realized for Mark and his fellow Dream members. They had started as wide-eyed, hopeful trainees, but with hard work and perseverance, they had become one of the most beloved boy groups in the industry. But with success came challenges they could never have anticipated.

It all started with a routine dance practice. The Dream members, seven in total, were known for their impeccable synchronization and energetic performances. They prided themselves on their ability to give their all on stage. And that day was no different. They had been rehearsing tirelessly for their upcoming concert, practicing intricate choreography that had been designed to showcase their talents.

Jaemin, known for his grace and precision on stage, had been particularly enthusiastic during practice. He had a way of bringing an extra spark to their routines, and his smile was infectious. But as they say, the show must go on, and sometimes that meant pushing through exhaustion and pain.

During a particularly challenging move, Jaemin felt a sharp pain in his knee. It was as if lightning had struck, and he collapsed to the floor in agony. The members rushed to his side, concern etched on their faces. Mark, their leader, felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew this was serious. They immediately called for medical help, and Jaemin was rushed to the hospital. The diagnosis was grim. He had torn a ligament in his knee, a severe injury that would require surgery and months of rehabilitation. The doctors informed them that Jaemin would have to go on hiatus to recover fully.

The news hit Mark and the other members like a sledgehammer. Jaemin had always been the heart of the group, not just for his talent but for his infectious personality. His absence left a void, a palpable sense of loss that hung over the group like a dark cloud.

Mark, in particular, felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. As the leader, he felt responsible for the well-being of his members. He had been the one to push them, to make them strive for excellence, and now he couldn't help but blame himself for Jaemin's injury. He wondered if he had pushed them too hard, if he had failed as a leader to protect his friend.


The days turned into weeks, and then into months. Jaemin's absence was felt not just on the stage but in the small moments of camaraderie that had defined their lives as a group. The late-night conversations, the shared meals, the laughter and tears – it was all different without Jaemin.

Mark visited Jaemin regularly in the hospital, trying to put on a brave face, but the worry and guilt gnawed at him. He would sit by Jaemin's bedside, holding his hand and trying to make him smile, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should have been able to prevent this.

For Jaemin, the recovery process was grueling. He had to undergo surgery and endure painful physical therapy sessions that left him exhausted and frustrated. But he never once complained. He knew how much the group meant to him, and he was determined to get back on his feet and back on stage.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now