~ Stay with Me~ P.2 (Johnmark)💖

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"Stay.. stay with me" the younger sang, they were in a different practice room, in the states getting ready for a performance. He felt arms around his waist and he jumped turning around to see his boyfriend Johnny was behind him.

"What you listening to?" He asks in English. It was easier for the two said to talk in the language they both knew very well.

"Hm just some blackpink" he says nonchantly. But that wasn't enough for the said male, as he took on of the earplugs putting it in his ear still back hugging the other said male.

But after a second of realizing what he was listening to, he didn't go back to what he was going before. He put his head on the other shoulder slightly swinging them side to side.

Taeyong looked up and couldn't help the smile that overtook his features. He always loved the interaction the two had, many people always thought the two hated each other- or well 'hate' the other male, but here they stood the soft look in Johnny eyes as he watched the younger. Who was freaking out, even if it wasn't shown on his face.

With slow movements, Johnny manages to get Mark sitting down on his lap on the couch instead of walking around.

"Is he ok?" Taeyong decides to ask aloud getting the attention of the others.

"Yeah.. he's just stressed like us. I got him" Johnny smiles, tightening his grip on the younger as he moves around to get comfortable falling asleep.

"How long do we have to sit here?" Johnny asks, seeing Mark falling asleep, head on his chest.

"Hm at least another couple of hours" Taeyong yawns. Answering another text from Renjun about how everything back at the dorm are going.

Nodding Johnny just let's the boy who was comfortably sitting on him dose off to sleep.

"Thanks Johnny" the said males looks up to Taeyong.

"You treat him well. I'm sorry I was questionable about your guys relationship at the beginning" Taeyong looks up with sincere eyes.

"I understand.. a lot of people will always think I am annoyed by him, or that I hate him. I promise neither of those are the case"

"I know.. I see it now" the smile on Taeyongs face not once faltering.

And with that no more conversation is said between the two.


It was a good hour later, and Mark woke up from his nap laying on the semi comfortable couch. Yawning he looks around to see Taeil sitting around on his phone.

"Where is everyone else?" He asks rubbing the sleep from his eyes cutely.

"They went to go get us something to eat. I wanted to stay here and wait til you woke up" the other male says, going back down to his phone to text.

"Thanks hyung" Mark smiles, going over to the said boys side. Side hugging him.

"They should be back in a couple minutes Doyoung said" the male puts down his phone to hug the said boy.

And of course like Doyoung said here walked in the others of Nct 127. Doyoung going over shinning and hugging his boyfriend who was hugging Mark. Mark doesn't take offence to it and just laughs at the said boy.

Johnny walks up sitting by his boyfriend, putting his arms around him cuddling up to the boy. Mark just laughs at the said boy.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now