Stay With Me P.78 (Tencas)💖

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"Lucas !" Yells Ten, echoing through the dorm.

It is only currently six in the morning, and Lucas had already started to play tricks on his lover. Giggling and hiding his tall body as much as he can. The others pass along right passed him not wanting to get in the middle of the lover's quarrel. While, Ten comes running into the kitchen, his face covered in whip cream and a mousetrap stuck on his big toe.

That definitely looked like it hurt.

And Lucas is hiding behind the counter giggling like a maniac.

"You think this is funny Lucas," Ten states, crossing his arms. You could see the upset in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Tennie I just wanted to play a little prank," Lucas smiles his goofy lopsided smile.

Its the same one that always causes Ten's heart to beat a little faster. And a smile to plaster on his face. And no, not just a little smile. A big goofy and dorky "I'm in love" smile.

But not for today it doesn't.

"There's no 'I'm sorry' Lucas," sighs Ten pinching his nose," I told you not this week to be pulling any of those stupid pranks you like to pull. And you still don't listen to me nor respect what I ask of you."

The others in the Wayv dorm walk into another room, seeing the tension in the air rising. And the rising in Ten's temper. And all they could do is feel sorry for what is going to happen to Lucas.

And even Lucas starts to sense the bad tension and fighting starting between the two.

"Tennie, I really am sorry. I know this week has been stressful. I just thought some jokes and pranks might make you feel a little better. Because I have been seeing you be super stressed out," Lucas looks down at his fingers playing with them awkwardly.

Something he does when he feels sorry.

And any other time, Ten would be cooing at the other, hugging him and comforting him. And even forgiving the other for whatever action he had done.

But no, not today. Ten can't just shake it off today, he woke up already stressed out for the day. And he needs Lucas, mentally. To understand him, and give him the dire love that he needs to make it through the stressful day.

But no, instead. Lucas went back to their normal prank filled relationship.

"Well, you know what a sorry isn't going to fix it today," sighed Ten getting loud and annoyed at his lover, "just leave me alone for today seriously. Like sleep on the couch, or one of the other dorms today I don't care. I just don't want to see you."

Ten turned around on his heels and walks back into the bathroom, and not seeing the crushed look on his lovers face when he was told that the person he loves the most doesn't want to see him at all.


And everyone continues on with their schedule, trying to not note the awkwardness of the couple to get to them at all. Honestly, they should be use to it by now, because almost all the couples in NCT have fought at one point. But it still not something that they're use to yet.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now