Stay With Me P.51 (Jaewoo)💖

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In the early days of NCT, Jaehyun and Jungwoo were like distant stars in the same galaxy, their paths crossing occasionally but never intertwining. Jaehyun, with his magnetic charm and easy laughter, had formed an orbit around Mark, Johnny, and Sicheng. Their camaraderie was like a constellation, each star supporting the other in the vast expanse of the entertainment world. Jungwoo, quieter and thoughtful, had found resonance with Taeil and Lucas. They shared quiet moments of reflection, their bond forged in the depths of shared experiences. Their lives had once been separate chapters, stories that barely brushed against each other's pages. But as time flowed on, ink bleeding into the parchment of their lives, their stories began to overlap in unexpected ways. It was as if the universe itself conspired to rewrite their destinies, nudging them closer together.

Moments of connection became threads, woven into a tapestry of friendship. Jaehyun's laughter would mix with Jungwoo's, harmonizing in a melody that resonated in their souls. Shared glances during practice became an unspoken language, a secret code understood only by them. It was in the silence between their words that their bond was truly nurtured, like roots growing deeper into the fertile soil of their hearts. Then, like a gentle breeze that gradually grows into a gust, Jungwoo confessed his feelings. It was a revelation that hung in the air, a vulnerable admission that held the power to change everything. Jaehyun's heart, which had once been hidden behind layers of camaraderie, now lay exposed to the elements. He could feel the weight of his own feelings, the intricate layers of longing and affection that he had never fully acknowledged.

In that moment, as the stars blinked overhead like silent witnesses, Jaehyun had been faced with a choice. He could retreat into the safety of the known, the comfort of their budding friendship, or he could step into the unknown and embrace the possibility of love. It was a crossroads that tested his resilience, his ability to navigate uncharted territory.

And he chose love.


As the world of NCT burst forth into the vibrant era of "Resonance," the energy seemed to electrify the air itself. Their journey had brought them to this moment, where laughter echoed in the corridors and the walls of their shared dreams seemed to pulse with life. Every interaction, every practice, was like a brushstroke on the canvas of their shared narrative. Friendships deepened, creating bonds that could weather any storm. Laughter, once a fleeting echo, now resonated through the halls as they shared stories and inside jokes. The members had become a symphony, each note complementing the other to create a harmonious melody.

Amidst this sea of camaraderie, Jaehyun and Jungwoo found their own rhythm, a dance of intimacy that bloomed in the shadows. The theme of struggle was etched into their every touch, their love a secret held close to their hearts. But even in the midst of concealment, their relationship thrived like a hidden garden, lush and vibrant beneath a veil of secrecy. Their moments of connection were now charged with a newfound depth. Every shared glance held volumes of unspoken words, every stolen touch ignited sparks that traveled through their veins. Simple gestures – a touch on the arm, a brush of fingers – became treasures to be savored in the quiet of the night.

As the cameras rolled, capturing the vibrant tapestry of their lives, Jaehyun and Jungwoo navigated a delicate dance of deception. Every smile that they shared, every gaze that lingered, had to be carefully measured. It was a struggle that tested their resilience, a battle between their love and the weight of the world's expectations. The stage became their sanctuary, a place where they could channel the intensity of their emotions into their performances. As they sang and danced, their gazes would meet across the stage, each glance a silent promise that their love would endure. Their voices blended in harmony, their connection woven into the very fabric of their music.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now