Stay With Me P.43 (Markyong)💖

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The air was thick with anticipation as Mark and Taeyong stood side by side, nervously awaiting their debut on the grand stage. The bright lights illuminated their faces, casting shadows that danced with the fluttering butterflies in their stomachs. It was a dream come true, but little did they know the trials that lay ahead. Taeyong had always been the perfectionist, the one who pushed himself and others to their limits. He saw potential in Mark, recognizing his talent and determination. But with that recognition came an overwhelming pressure, and Taeyong expected nothing less than perfection from his young protégé.

Mark, eager to prove himself, worked tirelessly day and night, striving to meet Taeyong's impossibly high standards. Every dance move, every lyric, every expression had to be flawless. Failure was not an option. He yearned for Taeyong's approval, desperately seeking validation from the one he admired most.


Yet, as time went on, the weight of Taeyong's expectations began to crush Mark's spirit as well. Each day brought a new demand, a new standard to meet, and Mark couldn't help but feel suffocated by the relentless pursuit of perfection. The pressure bore down on him, leaving him feeling like he was drowning in a sea of expectations.

In the midst of his struggle, Mark found solace in his best friend, Donghyuck. Donghyuck had always been there for him, offering words of encouragement and support. Their friendship provided an escape from the overwhelming burden that Taeyong's high standards had placed upon Mark's shoulders. One evening, as they sat together in the dimly lit practice room, the exhaustion etched on their faces, Mark noticed the tears welling up in Donghyuck's eyes. It was a raw display of vulnerability that resonated deep within Mark's own weary heart.

Concern etched across his face, Mark reached out and gently placed a hand on Donghyuck's trembling shoulder. "What's wrong, Haechan?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.

Donghyuck let out a shaky breath, trying to compose himself. "It's just... it's so much, Mark. Trying to meet Taeyong Hyung's expectations all the time, never being able to make a mistake... it's suffocating."

Mark nodded, the weight of his own struggles mirrored in Donghyuck's tear-filled eyes. He understood all too well the suffocating pressure that had taken hold of them both. The realization that they were in this together, fighting their own battles against the relentless pursuit of perfection, forged an even stronger bond between them.

In that moment, the practice room transformed into a sanctuary of shared vulnerability and understanding. Mark and Donghyuck leaned on each other, finding comfort and strength in their shared experiences. They confided in one another, pouring out their frustrations, fears, and insecurities, knowing they had found a safe space in each other's presence.

As they bared their souls, the walls that had separated them from their true selves began to crumble. In the embrace of their friendship, Mark and Donghyuck found solace from the suffocating weight of expectations. They became each other's pillars of support, reminding one another that it was okay to stumble and fall, as long as they were there to lift each other back up.

Little did they know, as their friendship deepened, their growing closeness would awaken a sense of jealousy within Taeyong. The leader, accustomed to being Mark's guiding light, began to feel a pang of insecurity, fearing that his position in Mark's heart was being challenged.

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