Stay With Me P.54 (Jungwin)💖

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The dawn of a new era was announced with the arrival of Jungwoo as an NCT member. He was the embodiment of exuberance and charm, his infectious smile lighting up the room as he walked in. The trainees and members alike were immediately drawn to his presence, magnetized by his energy. One person, however, found his attention unwaveringly fixed on a quieter figure in the corner: Sicheng.

Sicheng's grace on the dance floor was a thing of beauty, a dance of fluidity and precision that held an ethereal quality. Jungwoo couldn't help but be captivated by the way Sicheng's body moved, every gesture a testament to his dedication and talent. He had seen many incredible dancers in his journey to becoming an NCT member, but there was something about Sicheng's style that resonated deeply within him.

In those early days, Jungwoo would steal glances at Sicheng whenever he thought he wouldn't be noticed. He admired from a distance, the fascination growing into silent admiration. It was more than just his dancing prowess; it was the way Sicheng carried himself, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes. Jungwoo's heart would flutter at the mere sight of Sicheng entering the practice room, his mind awash with thoughts of striking up a conversation, of getting to know the enigmatic dancer better. 

Yet fate has a way of weaving its threads in unexpected patterns. As NCT's journey continued, roles shifted, and the dynamics within the group evolved. During the "Regular" era, the moment arrived when Jungwoo was slotted into NCT 127, replacing none other than Sicheng. The news sent ripples of shock and confusion through the group, a bittersweet twist of fate that neither of them had anticipated. Sicheng's reaction was a storm of conflicting emotions. Anger burned within him, a fierce flame that seemed to scorch his very soul. He felt betrayed by the system, by his fellow members, by Jungwoo himself. The rational part of him knew that it wasn't Jungwoo's fault; he had no control over the decisions made by the management. But emotions rarely adhere to logic, and Sicheng's heart was consumed by a seething resentment.

Jungwoo, on the other hand, stepped into his new role with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He was thrilled to be a part of NCT 127, to perform with such talented individuals. Yet, the knowledge that he had effectively taken Sicheng's place weighed heavily on him. He saw the hurt in Sicheng's eyes, the walls that went up, and he longed to bridge the gap that had formed between them.


Months turned into years, and despite the close-knit nature of NCT, Sicheng remained distant from Jungwoo. They interacted as colleagues, and fellow performers on stage, but the easy camaraderie that characterized NCT was absent in their interactions. Even during NCT 2020, when the members came together for a grand project, Sicheng kept his emotional distance. The struggle within Sicheng was evident. On one hand, he yearned for the ease of friendship he once shared with Jungwoo. On the other hand, his wounded pride and lingering resentment acted as barriers, preventing him from reaching out. He grappled with his emotions in the silence of his thoughts, torn between his desire to move forward and his inability to let go of the past.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Sicheng found himself on the rooftop of the NCT dorm. He stared out at the skyline, the cityscape a metaphor for the complex landscape of his emotions. He wasn't alone for long; Yuta soon joined him, his presence a reassuring comfort.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now