Stay With Me P.118 (Yanghyuck)💖

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The Resonance Era had brought NCT members together from different subunits and backgrounds. Among the new faces and growing friendships, two members in particular, Yangyang and Donghyuck, found themselves in a peculiar situation. It was a time of adjustment, of finding their place within this vast and talented group of individuals. Yangyang, with his sharp features and quiet demeanor, had always been an enigma to his fellow members. He hailed from WayV, a subunit that specialized in the Chinese market, and though he had a year of experience with NCT, the transition was still daunting. He often found solace in the corner of their practice room, letting the music wash over him, contemplating his purpose in this massive conglomerate of talent.

Donghyuck, on the other hand, was no stranger to NCT. He had been a part of NCT 127 for years, charming fans with his radiant smile and energetic stage presence. Despite his familiarity with the group, NCT 2020 was a different beast altogether. It was a sprawling collective of all NCT subunits, and it felt like starting anew in many ways. Their first meeting was uneventful, much like most first encounters. It happened during a group meeting where they discussed their roles in the upcoming Resonance album. Yangyang had been scribbling notes in his journal when he looked up to see Donghyuck, standing nearby and engrossed in his phone.

Donghyuck noticed Yangyang's gaze and offered a friendly smile. "Hey there, Yangyang, right?" he asked, extending a hand.

Yangyang nodded, feeling a surge of nerves. "Yeah, that's me. You're Donghyuck, right?"

Donghyuck chuckled. "That's right. Nice to meet you officially. We're gonna rock this era together!"

That was their first exchange, simple and cordial. As weeks turned into months, they began to interact more frequently. At first, it was nothing more than small talk—discussions about their favorite foods, hobbies, and music. But slowly, a comfortable camaraderie began to form.

One day, as they lounged in their dressing room before a performance, Donghyuck decided to break the ice a little further. "Hey, Yangyang, I heard you're quite the prankster. Is that true?"

Yangyang, caught off guard, blinked. "Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that. Why do you ask?"

Donghyuck's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Well, I've been known to pull a prank or two myself. What do you say we team up and give the other members a taste of their own medicine?"

Yangyang's lips curled into a smirk. The idea of pranking their fellow NCT members sounded like a thrilling adventure. "I'm in, Donghyuck. Let's do it."

And so, their alliance began. They plotted and executed pranks together, often targeting members from their respective subunits. Their fellow NCT members were both amused and exasperated by their antics. It was clear that Yangyang and Donghyuck had an unusual but genuine bond forming. As they spent more time together, the awkwardness between them melted away like ice under the sun. They discovered a shared love for late-night snacks, trashy reality shows, and even the occasional deep conversation. Yangyang was impressed by Donghyuck's dedication to his craft, and Donghyuck admired Yangyang's quiet determination.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now