Stay With Me P. 103 (Hyuckle)💖

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In the vibrant world of NCT Dream, where the stage lights dazzle and the cheers of fans electrify the air, Donghyuck had always been the prankster, the jokster, the mischievous spark that kept the group's dynamic as lively as a summer day. His infectious laughter could light up even the dullest moments, and his playful antics were a constant source of entertainment for his fellow Dream members.

Yet, behind those mischievous eyes and that infectious grin, Donghyuck harbored a secret that he had never dared to share with anyone, not even with the closest of his friends within the group. For deep within the recesses of his heart, he carried a feeling that was far from a joke, far from a prank—it was a feeling he couldn't quite understand, let alone express.

Chenle, on the other hand, was Donghyuck's perfect foil, the yang to his yin. They were like two stars that couldn't help but collide in the vast cosmos of NCT Dream. The clash of their personalities off-camera was notorious, as if their dynamic was a carefully choreographed dance of contrasts. Their arguments were legendary within the group, often leaving their fellow members in stitches, wondering if they would ever run out of things to bicker about.

One couldn't help but wonder if their incessant quarreling was a way to mask something deeper, something neither of them was ready to confront. It was as if their frequent clashes were a shield, protecting them from the vulnerability of admitting that they might actually share a connection that ran far deeper than mere friendship.

The other members of NCT Dream couldn't help but notice the peculiar dynamic between Donghyuck and Chenle. It was a well-known fact that the two were incredibly close despite their constant disagreements. Their friendship was a paradox, a puzzle that no one had quite figured out yet. Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, and Jisung often exchanged knowing glances when the two were at it again, secretly wondering if there was more to their relationship than met the eye.


As time passed and NCT Dream continued to grow together, Donghyuck couldn't deny the changes within himself. It was as if a subtle shift had occurred, like the gentle stirring of a breeze on a calm day. He found himself stealing more glances at Chenle, noticing the way his smile lit up the room, the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed, and the way his voice resonated like a soothing melody.

Donghyuck tried to brush these thoughts aside, convincing himself that they were nothing more than fleeting moments of admiration for a close friend. He reminded himself that they were in the midst of a hectic career, and emotions were bound to get tangled up in the chaos.

But as days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the feelings he'd been trying to suppress refused to be silenced. They grew stronger, more persistent, until they were a constant presence, like a quiet undercurrent that tugged at the edges of his consciousness.

One evening, after yet another heated argument with Chenle over something as trivial as who had the better taste in snacks, Donghyuck found himself pacing his hotel room. His heart was pounding like a drum, and he couldn't shake the thought that had been haunting him for far too long.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now