Stay With Me P.88 (Windery)💖

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The neon lights of Seoul's bustling nightlife illuminated the cityscape, casting a vibrant glow over everything in their path. In the heart of this dazzling metropolis, within the labyrinthine halls of SM Entertainment, the members of WayV were finding their own paths, both individually and collectively. Winwin and Hendery, two of the group's members, were navigating their own unique journey—one marked by unspoken tension, jealousy, and ultimately, the revelation of their true feelings.

WayV had burst onto the K-pop scene with a fierce determination, each member showcasing their talents and charisma. They were known for their powerful performances, catchy songs, and an unmistakable bond among the members. But beneath the polished exterior, like any group of individuals, there were complexities and nuances to their relationships that weren't always visible to the outside world.

Winwin, the quiet and reserved member of WayV, had always found it challenging to adjust to the level of skinship that was common among the NCT units. In NCT 127, the other unit Winwin had been a part of, physical affection flowed freely. Hugs, playful touches, and even the occasional affectionate peck on the cheek were all part of the daily routine. However, for Winwin, these gestures had always felt uncomfortable, as if he were trying to navigate an alien terrain.

Hendery, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was known for his outgoing and playful nature, always ready with a smile and a friendly pat on the back. He had joined WayV with an eagerness to bond with his new members, and he quickly formed a close friendship with Ten, who shared his exuberance and love for playfulness. They spent hours together, laughing, joking, and just enjoying each other's company.

This newfound friendship between Hendery and Ten didn't go unnoticed by Winwin. He watched from the sidelines as Hendery and Ten's dynamic blossomed. They hung out together, played pranks on other members, and created inside jokes that left Winwin feeling like an outsider. Although he understood that he couldn't change his own discomfort with physical contact, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy seeing Hendery bond so effortlessly with Ten.


As the weeks passed, Winwin's jealousy festered. He couldn't understand why Hendery had distanced himself from him but formed such a close connection with Ten. It was a source of inner turmoil that he couldn't escape. One evening, after a particularly grueling practice session, Winwin found himself alone with Hendery in their shared dorm room.

Winwin had intended to start a casual conversation, perhaps bridge the gap that had formed between them, but his emotions got the better of him. "Hendery," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "Why do you hang out with Ten all the time? Do you not like being around me?"

Hendery looked surprised by Winwin's question, his eyes wide for a moment before a reassuring smile graced his lips. "Winwin, it's not like that at all," he replied, trying to ease Winwin's worries. "Ten and I just clicked from the beginning. It doesn't mean I don't like being around you. We're all a team, and I value each and every member of WayV."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now