Stay With Me P.151 (Kunsung)💖

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Kun had always been a calm and collected individual. He had an air of maturity about him that drew people in. But beneath that composed exterior, there were layers of complexity, struggles, and a longing for connection. Jisung, on the other hand, was vibrant, full of energy, and had a smile that could light up a room. Their paths had crossed many times within NCT, but they had never been particularly close. In fact, they had been distant, like two stars in the same galaxy but never quite aligning.

It was during a turbulent period for WayV when Jisung decided to take a step toward bridging that gap. NCT 2020 had just wrapped up, and the members were all dispersing to their respective units. WayV had been facing its own set of challenges, and Jisung, feeling the weight of it all, decided it was time to reach out to Kun.

"Hey, Kun," he said tentatively one day after practice, finding Kun sitting alone in a corner of the practice room, lost in his own thoughts.

Kun looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. Jisung rarely initiated conversations with him. "Hey, Jisung. What's on your mind?"

Jisung hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I've been thinking... maybe we should get closer. I mean, we're in the same group, and it's been so long, but we barely know each other."

Kun arched an eyebrow, his guard never completely down. "Why now?"

Jisung sighed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Because, Kun, we're going through some tough times with WayV, and I think we could use all the support we can get. I've realized that we need to rely on each other more."

Kun regarded Jisung for a moment, his thoughts racing. He had always been a team player, and he understood the importance of unity within a group. Maybe it was time to let down his guard a little, to allow someone else in.

"Alright, Jisung," Kun said, offering a small, genuine smile. "I'm willing to give it a try. Let's hang out sometime."

And so, their journey to closeness began. At first, it was awkward. Their interactions were stilted, filled with moments of uncomfortable silence. Kun, with his reserved nature, struggled to open up, while Jisung, with his outgoing personality, found it challenging to gauge Kun's responses. But they persisted. They started by going out for meals together, just the two of them. It was during these dinners that they began to talk about their lives outside of NCT, sharing stories and experiences. Kun learned about Jisung's love for photography, his family back in Seoul, and the dreams he had for the future. Jisung, in turn, discovered Kun's passion for music, his dedication to his craft, and the pressure he felt as a leader.


As the weeks turned into months, their awkwardness slowly melted away. They found common interests and hobbies, like watching movies and exploring local cafes. Jisung's infectious enthusiasm began to rub off on Kun, and Kun's calm demeanor had a grounding effect on Jisung. They started to enjoy each other's company, genuinely looking forward to their hangouts.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now