Stay with me P.5 (Jaemark) 💖

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It was the first day of new promotions and a feeling of something didn't want to settle well in Jaehyun's stomach. He just didn't understand why. He did eat breakfast, and didn't eat anything wrong. So, why was his stomaching spinning in very vicious circles deep inside of his body. Either way, he hated the feeling.

"Someone everyone practice" shouts their dance instructor. And Jaehyun feared he wouldn't be able to dance.

"What's wrong Jaehyunie-hyung?" Marks asks, concern laced on his face as he asked the older. The feeling only got worse when the younger came over. And Jaehyun didn't understand why.

However, patting Mark's head with a fake smile he answers with a "nothing, my precious dongsaeng."

However, Mark didn't believe it, and just gave his hyung a simple hug. Hoping whatever was wrong with Jaehyun would get better. Shamefully, the hug only made his stomach churm worse. Jaehyun just couldn't get his body under control and he hated it so much.


And with practice, Jaehyun did get better. It was only every time Mark was in the area that his stomach felt weird. However, Jaehyun just thought it might be a new cologne the other might be wearing. Not thinking too much more.

It was luch time and Jaehyun's stomach was upset again. It was a table with him, Mark, Johnny, Ten, and Dounghyuck. And his stomach seemed to hate this place as it chrumed and hissed.

Right across from him, the other four giggling and playing around. Not one of them noticed Jaehyun's internal battle with his body. Something he recently started having and couldn't understand why.

Like, when Mark would come around, he felt like he was having a heart attack. And his stomach felt all in knots. It was weird however Jaehyun never once questioned it.


It was as he was leaving he felt angry, why was Mark so interested in Dounghyuck at the moment and not him? Why wasn't he right here next to Jaehyun as Jaehyun suffered internally? And why did he want to grab the other and take him away?

Jaehyun shook the idea off and just kept walking. Despite his entire body shaking out of some type of anger. His feet felt burning on the floor. He felt the non existent steam coming from inside his ears.

But he didn't stop walking until he got to the dorm. He opened the door and finally was met with his room. And he layed down and cried, he didn't understand why. Why was he feeling this way? Why was he ready to scream and yell a moment ago and is now crying? None of it made sense to the male.

And he just layed in his bed, covers tightly held around him. As he looked at a spot and spaced out, the warmth of the covers kept him under his thoughts and worries for a while.

Maybe, a while too long as he didn't hear Mark knocking on the other side of the door.


Even the next day, he felt fine when he woke up. But the second he came face to face with the other his stomach started to ache and churm. And he hated it, and hated why it wad only around the other. So he grumpily walked to the practice room. Even with his stomach the way he was, he couldn't miss practice for the life of him.

He watched as Mark practiced his new rap, the way the lyrics freely flew from his lips. How little spits would leave his mouth if he enounced a word too much. For some odd reason it was too much for him.

And when it came his time to sing, he got nervous was the lightest word he could use. He never really felt nerves when practice recording. But today, his stomach twisted and turned again making him almost be physically sick this time.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now