Stay With Me P.9 (Markhyuck) 💖

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It was any other day for Mark, well sort of. Depends on how if you consider ignoring your boyfriend a normal day. Mark just got to a point where the bullying was too much. So here he was, hiding away from the other for the ish day in a row. By now.

He recieved multiple calls and texts from the younger, however, he just refused them all. He needed time to think, and with Donghyuck being a drama queen crying and begging him to go back to their shared room wasn't going to make it easier for him to actually think.

He still remembers the times before Donghyuck wasn't completely rude to him and he enjoyed those days really. Despite the lack of skinship around everyone he showed, it didn't change the love Mark had for the other.


It was after any normal interview they had for NCT127. Dounghyuck and Mark sat right next to each other, however Mark refused a lot of the youngers attempts of skinship. Except, for his classic hand on thigh.

"Do you not love me anymore?" Donghyuck asks with tears in his eyes. Of course like always, it caused a fight between the two. And Mark hates seeing his love crying.

"No baby, that's not true! I love you so so much," Mark answers sadly. Catching the tears that fell from Donghyuck's pretty and smooth skin.

"Why can't you show it, I won't tease you anymore if it will get you to cuddle me more around the others, and show some affection during interviews," the younger looks into Mark's eyes hopeful.

"No baby, you stay you I love you for you. I don't mind your teasing at all. And I promise to show more affection around the others," Mark softens his eyes for his boyfriend.

And that was all it took that day for Donghyuck to go into Mark's arms letting the older hold him tightly. Running his hand through the youngers hair, Mark realized how much he loved his boyfriend.

And it didn't take much before the two were laying on their shared bed. Cuddling up closely to each other, as a headache settled into Donghyuck's already fried brain.

Every little touch from Mark made Donghyuck loose his mind anyway. But he didn't care, as long as Mark always picked up his pieces.


He remembers the stupid endless fights they had over his lack of skinship, he luckily got better somewhat over time.

He let Dongyuck cuddle him more around the other members. He let him show small touches when in front of fans and hosts.

But he still allow kisses, but he could tell Donghyuck didn't care.

That was before the two started fighting, it was over something stupid and the two had started fighting like always.

And Donghyuck said something that upset Mark and he just walked away. He didn't want to talk about it to the other any longer.

Right now, he locked himself in a temporary room he shares with Jaehyun, thankfully he let him.

"Are you sure you can't let me in there to talk to him?" He could hear Donghyuck begging behind the door.

"Listen Hyuckie, you both just need some space right now. You'll keep reopening a wound until the gash is to deep to repair," he could hear the sympathy in Jaehyuns voice.

Tears continued down Marks face, he would give anything to have Donghyuck in his arms right now.


Another day of promotions another day of sleepy idols. Barely even walking through the door and all nine were as tired as could be.

Mark grabbed Donghyucks hand and led him to their shared room. Laying the younger down and laying down beside him.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now