Stay With Me P.126 (Johnyang)💖

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In the bustling world of NCT, a K-pop group known for its eclectic mix of talents and personalities, Johnny was your quintessential member. He possessed the rugged charm, the talent, and the sense of humor that fans adored. As one of the older members of the group, he often found himself playing the role of the responsible older brother, trying to keep the younger members in line. It wasn't always an easy task, especially when you had members like Yangyang, Haechan, Jaemin, Jisung, Chenle, and Jeno, who seemed to thrive on chaos.

The six younger members, often referred to as the "2000 and 2001 liners," had an uncanny ability to turn even the most mundane situations into a whirlwind of laughter and mischief. They were the heart and soul of NCT's playful spirit, and their antics kept everyone on their toes.''

On any given day, you could find them staging impromptu dance battles in the practice room, challenging each other to ridiculous dares, or engaging in epic nerf gun wars that left the dorm in shambles. But amidst the chaos, there was a camaraderie that bound them together, a sense of unity that was the foundation of their friendship. Johnny, with his easygoing nature, had always been a source of stability for the group. He often found himself in the role of the mediator, smoothing out conflicts and offering sage advice to his younger bandmates. He watched over them like a protective older brother, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

However, in the midst of all the laughter and chaos, Johnny found himself experiencing emotions he had never anticipated. It was during one of their late-night gaming sessions that it hit him like a lightning bolt. Yangyang, the charismatic and mischievous rapper of the group, had a way of making Johnny's heart race with just a smile. They were all huddled around the TV, engrossed in a fiercely competitive game of Mario Kart. The room was filled with laughter and shouts of triumph or defeat. Yangyang, with his sharp reflexes and quick wit, was a formidable opponent. Johnny, who usually excelled at games, found himself struggling to keep up.

As the race reached its climax, Johnny's and Yangyang's characters were neck and neck, vying for first place. Their eyes locked on the screen, but Johnny couldn't help but notice the way Yangyang's fingers gripped the controller, the concentration etched on his face. There was something mesmerizing about the way he was completely immersed in the game.

In that moment, it dawned on Johnny that his feelings for Yangyang had transcended friendship. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and he saw Yangyang in a whole new light. He realized that he was not just fond of the younger rapper; he was falling for him, hard.

The realization left Johnny in a state of internal turmoil. He had never considered the possibility of being in a romantic relationship with a fellow member. NCT was like a second family to him, and the thought of jeopardizing that bond was daunting. But as he continued to steal glances at Yangyang, he couldn't deny the truth any longer.

As the game came to an end, with Yangyang narrowly claiming victory, the members cheered and groaned in equal measure. Johnny forced a smile, congratulating Yangyang on his win, but his heart was in turmoil. He excused himself, citing exhaustion, and retreated to his room, needing time to sort through his feelings. Inside the confines of his room, Johnny found himself pacing back and forth, his thoughts in a whirlwind. He knew he had to talk to someone about his newfound emotions, but he also feared the consequences. He picked up his phone and dialed the one person he trusted the most—his best friend and confidant, Taeyong.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now