Stay With Me P. 13 (Johnhyuck) 💖

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Tired, it was the only thing Donghyuck could feel right now. Running from Korea to America, to all over countries for a world tour.

He was exhausted.

But he tried to not show it to his older members. He tried to show them how strong he can be. Starting with having his boyfriend believe it.

Yes, his boyfriend Seo Johnny.

Yawning again, he has to preform at the next stop of the world tour, and be back in Korea in a few days for Dream's promotions.

"You ok baby?" Johnny asks concerned laced in his voice. His arms wrapped around the others waist swinging them slightly.

"I'm tired hyung," he whispers, a tear rolling from his precious eyes.

Nodding, Johnny felt horrible for his boyfriend. Its not like he could march up to Lee Soo Man and demand Donghyuck gets a break.

Shamefully, no.

So all he could do, is take the younger in his arms. Laying his head down on his lap letting his body relax on the some what comfortable couch.

And covering him up with the blanket as he fell asleep. Even if it was only for an hour or two, Johnny just hoped it made the other feel better.

Singing softly, Johnny understands he's not a singer. In NCT, he is a rapper. But he still tried his best to sing Donghyuck to sleep playing with some strands of hair.

And when he finally fell asleep, Johnny felt like he could finally take a breathe.

Even though his breaths felt sad, his boyfriend being overworked. He is so tired he cried. Donghyuck barely ever cries.

That is how Johnny knew this was serious.

"How is he?" Asks Taeyong concerned.

"He's really tired, when I seen him he cried telling me he is tired," Johnny winces at the memory.

Too much in NCT has beeen going on, with 127's world tour, Dream's comeback, SM's new scandal. It was back breaking for all the boys as well.

It just finally got to a point where it started crushing down on Donghyuck.

It was a little later, and shamefully Johnny has to wake Donghyuck up to preform.

So kissing the youngers head and shaking him lightly. Donghyuck started to open his eyes, stretching on Johnny's lap.

"Yea hyung?" He asks with an awakened yawn.

"We have to get ready to go preform baby," he says lightly.

"Oh, Donghyuck says sadly, "ok."

Leaning down, Johnny rubs his nose against younger, as Donghyuck giggles. And finally, Johnny places soft kisses on Donghyucks face, meanwhile finally landing on his soft lips.

It was a truly euphoric feeling.

Until, Johnny was set on helping the younger up. And to his stylistic as they had to get ready.


And even after they were done, it was time to go back to the hotel. And everyone was excited about that. Including Donghyuck and Johnny.

So laying down on their shared bed for the night, Donghyuck yawned. He was ready to catch up on so much needed sleep before performing with Dream.

"Go to sleep hyuckie," Johnny softly carreses the side of the youngers face.

"But, baby," Donghyuck fights through the tired feeling to say.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now