Stay With Me P.55 (Yuwoo)💖

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The rain tapped rhythmically against the windowpane, casting a melancholic ambiance within the practice room. NCT 127 had just concluded their grueling rehearsal, sweat-soaked and fatigued. Jungwoo, the newest member, still felt a thrill in his chest whenever he glanced around the room and realized he was part of this powerhouse group. He was the rookie, the wide-eyed dreamer who had finally been granted a chance to shine under the blazing lights of the K-pop industry.

As he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, Jungwoo's gaze landed on Yuta, the charismatic and enigmatic Japanese member of the group. Yuta was a striking contrast to his exuberant self, often wrapped in an aura of mystery. Ever since Jungwoo had joined NCT 127, Yuta had taken it upon himself to show him the ropes, to offer guidance and comfort to the rookie trying to find his footing in this whirlwind of fame.

"Jungwoo, you're doing great out there," Yuta remarked, his voice holding a soothing quality that always managed to ease Jungwoo's nerves.

Jungwoo smiled appreciatively, his heart warmed by Yuta's reassuring words. "Thanks, Yuta hyung. I really appreciate your help."

Yuta's lips quirked up in a small smile, his gaze locking with Jungwoo's for a brief moment that sent a flutter through the younger's chest. Their camaraderie had grown stronger over the months, and Jungwoo had come to value Yuta's presence not just as a guide, but as a friend.


The rookie era had been marked by endless rehearsals, late-night conversations, and shared laughter. They had built a connection amidst the challenges of the industry, leaning on each other for support. Jungwoo had always admired Yuta's maturity, his ability to navigate the tumultuous waters of the entertainment world with grace.

But as the tides of time swept them into the next era, things began to change.

The Regular era brought a seismic shift to NCT 127. Sicheng, the beloved member from China, had to step back due to scheduling conflicts, and it was announced that Jungwoo would be taking his place in the lineup. The news had shaken the group, the fans, and the members themselves. And Yuta's reaction was far from what Jungwoo had anticipated. In the dimly lit dressing room, Jungwoo stared at his reflection in the mirror, his heart heavy with excitement and trepidation. He could hear the muffled conversations of his fellow members outside, but his mind was fixated on Yuta's sudden coldness.

"You know, Jungwoo, you're really moving up the ladder, aren't you?" Yuta's voice dripped with sarcasm as he entered the room, his eyes narrow.

Jungwoo's smile wavered, his confusion evident. "Yuta hyung, what's wrong?"

Yuta's lips twisted into a bitter smile. "Oh, nothing. Just congratulations on taking someone else's spot."

Jungwoo's eyes widened, the implication of Yuta's words hitting him like a slap in the face. "Yuta, I... I didn't ask for this. I didn't want Sicheng Hyung to leave."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now