Stay With Me P. 42 (Johnkun)💖

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Johnny and Kun had always shared a unique dynamic within NCT. From the early days of their trainee journey, there was an undeniable awkwardness between them. Their interactions seemed to be shrouded in an unspoken distance as if they were two puzzle pieces that couldn't quite fit together. They never quite understood each other's quirks and nuances, and their paths rarely crossed within the bustling training halls.

During trainee practices, Johnny and Kun often found themselves on opposite sides of the room, immersed in their world of self-improvement. Their focus was on honing their skills and carving out their paths within the competitive world of K-pop. The little moments of interaction they did have were filled with polite smiles and brief exchanges of words, their conversations remaining on the surface level.

As trainees, they watched each other from afar, intrigued by the talents and dedication they saw in one another. Johnny admired Kun's calm demeanor and precise movements during dance rehearsals, while Kun admired Johnny's charisma and ability to command the stage. However, the unspoken distance between them prevented any deeper connection from forming.

Their paths occasionally crossed during group training sessions or meals, but their interactions remained limited. Their awkwardness grew more pronounced, and they found it challenging to break through the invisible barrier that kept them apart. It was as if they were speaking different languages, unable to decipher each other's unspoken signals.


The absence of Hansol left a void within NCT and affected the dynamics between the members. It was during a group conversation, with the rest of NCT sitting together in the practice room, that the topic of Hansol's departure came up. 

 Mark sighed, his eyes filled with a hint of sadness. "It's strange not having Hansol around. He was like the glue that held us all together." 

 Taeyong nodded in agreement, his voice laced with nostalgia. "Yeah, we were quite a trio back then. Hansol, Johnny, and Kun. It's funny how things have changed." 

Johnny's gaze shifted to Kun, who sat silently next to him. He couldn't help but notice the subtle sadness in Kun's eyes, the weight of loss that mirrored his own. It was at that moment that Johnny realized they were both yearning for a connection, a bridge to fill the void left by Hansol's departure. 

 As the conversation continued, Doyoung spoke up, his voice gentle yet perceptive. "You know, I've always sensed a certain unspoken bond between Johnny and Kun. Maybe it's time for you two to explore that connection and bridge the gap." 

 The room fell into contemplative silence as everyone pondered Doyoung's words. It was Jaehyun who broke the silence, a knowing smile gracing his lips."I think Doyoung has a point. Sometimes, the most powerful connections are the ones we don't fully understand yet. Johnny and Kun, maybe it's time to unravel that unspoken bond and discover what it truly means."

 Johnny felt a surge of nervous energy ripple through him. He stole a glance at Kun, who met his gaze with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. At that moment, they both knew it was time to bridge the unspoken distance between them.


The thought of becoming friends with Kun both excited and terrified Johnny. It meant stepping out of his comfort zone, breaking down the walls that had kept them apart for so long. But the more he looked at Kun, the more he realized that they were both longing for a deeper connection, a chance to understand each other beyond the surface.

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