Stay With Me P.162 (Rencas)💖

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It was a warm and sunny day in Seoul, and the NCT Dream members were gathered in their practice room, gearing up for another intense rehearsal session. Renjun, with his elegant features and expressive eyes, was meticulously tuning his guitar, his fingers gliding over the strings with a practiced ease. He was known for his dedication to his craft and his ability to create beautiful melodies that often mesmerized his fellow members.

As Renjun strummed the guitar softly, he couldn't help but glance over at Lucas, the newest addition to NCT. Lucas was a whirlwind of energy and charisma, and he had quickly endeared himself to the Dream members with his infectious laughter and goofy antics. His tall frame and playful personality made him stand out in the group, and he had a knack for making everyone around him smile.

"Hey, Lucas, catch!" Chenle exclaimed, tossing a basketball in Lucas' direction. The ball sailed through the air, and Lucas effortlessly caught it with one hand, his bright smile never faltering.

"Thanks, Chenle! You know I'm always up for a game of basketball," Lucas replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He dribbled the ball a few times before making a dramatic jump shot that sent the ball swishing through the net.

The other members cheered, and Lucas pumped his fist in the air in victory. Renjun couldn't help but chuckle at Lucas' antics. He was undeniably charming, and it was hard not to be drawn to his magnetic personality.


As the day turned into evening, the Dream members gathered in the lounge area of their practice studio to take a break. They were all tired from hours of practice, and Lucas flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.

"I need a break, guys! My legs are killing me from all that dancing," Lucas said, stretching his long limbs.

"Tell me about it," Jisung chimed in, plopping down next to Lucas. "But practice makes perfect, right?"

Renjun, who had been quietly sipping on his water, couldn't help but notice how Lucas and Jungwoo were sitting closer to each other than usual. They were engaged in a lively conversation, their heads close together as they laughed and shared stories.

It wasn't the first time Renjun had observed this closeness between Lucas and Jungwoo. Over the past few weeks, he had noticed them spending more and more time together, whether it was during breaks, meals, or even late-night chats in the dorm. And each time, a pang of jealousy had shot through Renjun's heart. He couldn't quite put his finger on when these feelings had started to stir within him. All he knew was that he had grown fond of Lucas from the moment the tall and goofy rapper had joined NCT. But lately, that fondness had morphed into something deeper, something he couldn't ignore any longer.

Renjun sighed inwardly, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns on the guitar strings. He knew he had to confront his feelings, but the thought of doing so terrified him. What if Lucas didn't feel the same way? What if their friendship was forever altered by his confession? Lost in his thoughts, Renjun barely noticed when Lucas and Jungwoo got up to leave, their laughter fading as they headed toward the practice room for another round of rehearsals. The rest of the members followed suit, leaving Renjun alone in the lounge.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now