Stay With Me P.33 (Johnyong) 💖

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Johnny and Taeyong lay peacefully in bed, entangled in each other's arms. The soft glow of the moon casts a warm ambiance in the room, creating an intimate atmosphere. The world outside fades away as they find solace in each other's presence. However, the tranquility is shattered when Johnny is abruptly awoken by a nightmare, his breath ragged and his body trembling. Startled, Taeyong's eyes fluttered open, concern etched across his face.

"Johnny, what's wrong?"Taeyong's voice is laced with worry as he gently shakes Johnny's shoulder. The room remains silent, save for Johnny's rapid heartbeat.

Taeyong persists, his voice filled with genuine care, "Please, tell me. I want to help you."

Johnny's gaze flickers with uncertainty, torn between sharing his fears and keeping them locked inside. It is an internal struggle, as if the walls around him are threatening to crumble. He always hates putting his problems on Taeyong, even if he is his boyfriend, being the leader of a giant group is far from easy. Especially with a lot of conflicting personalities. It can cause the dorm to feel a bit messy at times. 

Finally, he manages a weak smile, attempting to mask the turbulence within. "It's nothing, Tae. Just a bad dream. Don't worry about it."

Taeyong knows better than to push the matter, sensing Johnny's discomfort. Instead, he leans in to press a loving kiss to Johnny's temple, his fingers tangling in his hair. "Alright, if you say so. But if you need me, I'm here."

Johnny nods, grateful for Taeyong's understanding. He lingers in Taeyong's arms, seeking solace in his touch and the comfort of his presence. As the moments pass, his breathing becomes more even, and he begins to relax once again. With Taeyong by his side, he feels safe and protected, and the nightmare fades into the back of his mind.

It reminds him of a time ago when he didn't have Taeyong the way he does now.


The way all the males stood in the tiny light dance practice room. The floors always seemed to talk back to them even when they didn't want it to. They couldn't meet each other's eyes. After all, this is the first time they are officially meeting.

Across the way, Taeyong's eyes found their way to Johnny. I mean who couldn't. The male towered over the few males he stood next to. His eyes firmly planted on the Lee Soo Man as he explained the concept he had in mind for the boys. At first, Johnny's intimidating presence, honed by years of rigorous training, created an air of aloofness.

But as they began to practice, Taeyong noticed a different side of Johnny. A softer side that he couldn't resist. A side that made him want to get to know him more. As they danced, Johnny's movements were fluid yet powerful, his body moving with a grace that belied his height and build.

Taeyong found himself unable to look away, mesmerized by the way Johnny's muscles flexed with each twist and turn. He didn't realize he was staring until Johnny caught his eye, a small smile gracing his lips. Taeyong quickly looked away, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now