Stay With Me P.36 (Dota) 💖

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Since the beginning Yuta and Doyoung have always been slight enemies. They knew how their friendship worked and they knew how to make it work, but that never stopped they arguing and answering from their debut era. But hey it was just normal right?

It first started in Fire Truck era, what all fans started to notice the two arguing and making a slight comment on it. Most people worrying about their jokes and battering wondering if it was going too far. But the two at the time thought nothing of it. They were just having fun right.

"Yeah," Yuta yells to Doyoung while joking about something on a live stream going on.

"Yeah what do you want"  Doyoung comments  to Yuta laughing at the other while reading the comments.

Maybe at that time it's when it made him realize that he had to change how his and Doyoung's relationship was. Hence why him and Doyoung are now together.


Some more time passes, Yuta tries to be more friendly to Doyoung, and of course DOyoung is skeptical of the other's behavior. Because who wouldn't if one day someone was being teasing you and next second being utterly nice to you? I would be very confused what is going on as well. And then some more time passed and Yuta realized something more going on. His heart would race a little extra faster when he was with him, and how he got this pit in his stomach in such a positive way. It made it nice and faith, sweet the other could be at times lovely his gummy smile was to look at.

But how is he supposed to tell the other that he was starting to grow feelings was he even ready to admit that they were some form of a feeling?

Jaehyun seemed to noticed something, " it's  very noticeable that you have something for Doyoung. And it's okay if you do, it's just you need to admit it," when sitting on the bed next to the other.


Right now, Johnny sat on the bed next to Yuta as they sat there talking with his head on the other shoulder. He didn't know what to do, so it's the only thing he knew what, and that is to go to his best friend Johnny. Who always seemed to have the answer of everything that he needed.

"But Johnny are we sure this is even feelings?" Asked Yuta looking away from the other afraid of the answer.

"It's just,  it's very noticeable I just I really think it is feelings," Johnny comments a bit of a stutter on his words. But still a sounding of Johnny confidence. 

Johnny has always been a man of words so the fact that Johnny is wordless, confuses Yuta on what to do.


So Yuta let more time pass it, is now Regular era and when Sicheng has just been commuted from the group. It hurt Yuta because that was his best friend. So to recuperate, go around doing more often. Not like he was using the other in any slightly way. But more of a skinship type of way.

He would find himself more than not clinging to the other team members' hand and giving him a slide hug or even sending a deering where it's his way.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now