Stay With Me P.143 (Markjun)💖

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Mark and Xiaojun had been inseparable since the inception of NCT 2020. Their relationship had blossomed effortlessly, like a harmonious melody in the midst of a chaotic symphony. They laughed together, they sang together, and they danced together. But now, as they found themselves standing at the crossroads of their budding careers, the simplicity of their love was starting to fade.

Mark, the charismatic rapper, juggled between NCT 127 and NCT Dream, his schedule filled with rehearsals, recordings, and performances. Xiaojun, with his captivating voice and mesmerizing stage presence, was equally caught up in the whirlwind as a member of WayV. The demands of their respective careers were pulling them apart, leaving them with only fragments of the time they used to spend together. One breezy evening in Seoul, Mark and Xiaojun found themselves sitting on the rooftop of their favorite café, sipping on iced Americanos. The city lights twinkled below them, casting a surreal glow on their faces.

Xiaojun sighed, his fingers tracing aimless patterns on the tabletop. "Mark, do you remember when we used to have all the time in the world for each other?"

Mark leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the starry sky. "Of course, Xiaojun. Those were the days, huh?"

Silence lingered between them, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of their blossoming careers.

Xiaojun took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly. "I miss us, Mark. I miss how it used to be, just you and me."

Mark nodded, his heart aching with the same longing. "I miss it too, Xiaojun. But we can't turn back time. We've both worked so hard to get here."

Xiaojun looked at Mark, his gaze filled with a mixture of love and desperation. "I know, but I don't want us to drift apart. I don't want to lose what we have."

Mark reached across the table, taking Xiaojun's hand in his own. "Xiaojun, neither do I. We just need to find a way to make it work, to balance our careers and our relationship."

Their fingers intertwined, a silent promise passing between them.


As the weeks turned into months, Mark and Xiaojun embarked on a journey to navigate the intricate dance between their love and their careers. It was a test of their patience, resilience, and the depth of their emotions. Mark's life with NCT 127 was a whirlwind of rehearsals, interviews, and performances. His days started early and ended late, leaving him little time for rest, let alone spending quality moments with Xiaojun. But he was determined to make it work. He would steal moments whenever he could, sending Xiaojun sweet messages and calling him between breaks, just to hear his voice.

One rainy afternoon, Mark sat in the dressing room of a music show, scrolling through his phone. He couldn't help but smile when he saw a new message from Xiaojun.

Xiaojun: Hey, I saw your performance today. You killed it! 🎤❤️

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now