Stay With Me P.10 (Taeten) 💖

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It was promotions and Taeyong couldn't of been morw excited, that he finally after all of this time. Gets to freaking promote with his boyfriend. The feeling was undeniably the best he had felt in such a long time, he could die of love right now.

Walking around Ten held a camera around the hotel exploring everything with the vlog. And the smile on Ten's face showed how much fun he had been having this promotion.

Considering, SM barely let him out of the dungeon already.

It was the moment he saw Ten put the camera down he knew he was safe.

"Hey," smiles Taeyong as the other sits on the bed.

"Hey babe," Ten sits higher on the bed. He leans down to kiss the other on the lips.

While they had the time, they both enjoyed the love and affection.

Getting lost in endless soft feathery kisses, small bumps of noses. Breathing fanning each other lips dry, eyes locked on each other's lips.

Small carcass of the sides and touches of thighs, were lost in the room. Neither wanted this feeling they had to go away.

"I love you," Tens breathing patting Taeyongs lips.

"I love you more," Taeyong answer.

The night was filled with cute soft moments of the two. Glad to be able after so long, cuddle on a bed and fall asleep deepily in eacb others arms.

It was a night worth living.


And the next morning, was the start of promotions. So no touches and no kisses, just dancing and passion. And they still loved every moment of it.

It wasn't until half way in the middle of Ten's vlogging he wanted, no needed Taeyongs attention again. And in his head, he didn't care why it was now, he was glad to have Taeyong right next to him.

"Cuddles?" Ten asks cutely after the camera was put away.

Taeyong was never one to tell the love of his life no, so here was Taeyong night two cuddled tightly next to Ten. And just like Ten, Taeyong enjoyed every moment of it.

It was, and always would be nights to remember to the two.


And it was the next promotion, when Ten had teased Taeyong on stage. And at that moment he wished he could've gotten the other back, but he couldn't. So he remained professional old Taeyong.

And it was in their hotel room when Taeyong was chasing Ten around. Giggles echoed the room as Ten was getting cornered. And Taeyong knew that, but he continued to have fun. It was Taeyong after all.

He leaned down and kiss the other on the cheek, blinking confusingly Ten didn't understand what was going on. Until it was too late, skinny fingers touched his side tickling him, and he couldn't get the other loose.

The two spent that night tickling each other, giggles bounced off the walls. And smiles were found deepily on each other's face.

"I love you," Ten says when the moment calmed down.

"I love you more," Taeyong replies with a kiss to the others face.


The next day, the two got to lay around the morning. The next day they got to go to Thailand, Tens home country. And Taeyong was more than excited to finally meet Ten's parents.

It only took Ten so much longer to introduce Taeyong to his family as his boyfriend.

But, other than that Taeyong was excited. He had talked to them over face chat a couple times and the couple were very lovely. And already liked Taeyong despite not actually seeing him face to face.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now