Stay With Me P.141 (Wooyang)💖

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Jungwoo and Yangyang had always been an enigma to their fellow NCT members and fans. On the surface, they seemed distant, their interactions limited to polite smiles and occasional small talk. But behind closed doors, away from the spotlight and the constant scrutiny of their fans, a different story unfolded - a story of a passionate and enduring love that transcended distance and adversity.

Their relationship had started innocently enough, with casual conversations backstage during NCT's hectic schedules. Jungwoo, with his gentle demeanor and warm smile, had always intrigued Yangyang. He was drawn to the older member's wisdom and calming presence. Yangyang, on the other hand, with his sharp wit and mischievous charm, had piqued Jungwoo's interest. They found solace in each other's company, a sanctuary from the whirlwind of idol life.

As their friendship deepened, so did their feelings for each other. It was a slow and gradual realization, like a whisper of truth in the midst of chaos. They began to exchange messages, stolen moments of connection in the midst of their packed schedules. Late-night texts turned into lengthy phone calls, and before they knew it, they were head over heels in love.

But there was a complication that neither of them could ignore - the long-distance nature of their relationship. Jungwoo was based in Seoul, while Yangyang's commitments often took him to China. The physical distance between them weighed heavily on their hearts, and it wasn't long before the first arguments erupted. One evening, Jungwoo sat on his bed, his phone in hand, waiting for Yangyang's call. He had been looking forward to it all day, but as the hours passed, anxiety gnawed at him. Finally, when Yangyang's call came through, he couldn't hide his frustration.

"Yangyang, you said you'd call hours ago," Jungwoo snapped, his voice laced with irritation.

Yangyang's voice on the other end sounded tired and apologetic. "I know, babe. I'm sorry. The schedule ran late, and there were so many fans waiting for me. I promise it wasn't intentional."

Jungwoo sighed, guilt washing over him for letting his frustration get the better of him. "I know, I'm sorry too. It's just...I miss you so much, and it's hard when we can't even talk."

There was a pause on the line, followed by a sigh from Yangyang. "I miss you too, Jungwoo. More than you can imagine. But we knew this wouldn't be easy when we started, right?"

Jungwoo nodded, even though Yangyang couldn't see him. "Yeah, you're right. I just wish we could be together more often."

Their arguments were always rooted in the same longing - the desire to bridge the physical gap that separated them. But despite the occasional tension, they both knew that nothing could break the bond they shared. Their fellow NCT members were oblivious to the true nature of Jungwoo and Yangyang's relationship. They saw the bickering and the occasional icy exchanges, but they never suspected the depth of their feelings for each other. To the members, it was just Jungwoo and Yangyang being their usual distant selves.

One day, during a group practice session, tensions ran high. Taeyong, NCT's leader, noticed the strained atmosphere between Jungwoo and Yangyang.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now