Stay With Me P.35 (Johnwoo)💖

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Johnny sat across the way as he watched Jungwoo practice, the other male danced sensationally. He was so attached to the action at hand, he didn't even notice his lover across the way having loving eyes on him. 

"Ya Johnny stop staring," jokingly states Yuta sitting down next to him for a break. 

Johnny smirks ever so slightly at the condesending comment of the other, "like you haven't been staring at Xiaojun during practice, I've seen the looks." His eyes never once leaving Jungwoo. 

"No," Yuta blushes profoundly and immediantly denying it in many whines. 

Its something about his and Yuta's relationship he is proud of. 

"What are you doing Johnny," comments Jungwoo in his naturally sarcastic tone. 

Johnny had not been paying attention to know his lover is now croutching down right next to him, with his arm on his shoulder as he shows his puppy-like smile. Johnny finally looking up at the other as he is sitting down. 

"When did you get here," he asks softly passing over his water bottle to the other. 

"Just now," Jungwoo responds after taking a long sip. 

Johnny stared at the other admiringly with love in his eyes. Sometimes he questions how he ended up with the other. Sometimes, it is still a mystery, especially when him and Lucas were so close in that time. But at that time there was nothing that he could do. So he sat by and he watched the two interact. And it made him notice things about the other that he might not have before. Like how shy he could get at times, and at times how doyed his eyes could look. It only made him more jealous the more he watched the other interact with Lucas

And during boss era he watched the two grow more confident in themselves. He felt proud but the same time it made him sad to see the other get closer to someone else that was not him. He tried time and time again to get closer to the other but nothing to advil during this time. Was it because Jungwoo was so new in the industry? Or was he just not interested in the other even in a friendship type of way? At this time he did not want to think of any of that.

So more and more time past after boss and during this time was when Jungwoo was announced as a member of 127. At the same time Johnny was ecstatic he also felt sad for Lucas as the two were now going to be separated. Is he selfish I think that way? 

Definitely possibly.

And it first started during Regular area when he could finally meet Jungwoo, he was beyond shy at that time and almost cried every time Johnny talk to him. It led more times than not of Johnny comforter and the other but you never heard Johnny complaining. He felt sad that he was not bonding with the other the way he wanted.And it wasn't long after Boss where Jungwoo had taken a short break from the group. Johnny isn't even sure of the exact time it happened because it felt like it happened so fast. He felt like all that time he took to get close to the other was a waste now, who knew when Jungwoo was even going to return even if he was going to. Was it all because of the separation of him and Lucas? Johnny tried doing everything he could think of to help the others anxiety but everything only seemed to be more of a waste. So the only question was is now what?

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