Stay With Me P.114 (Woohyuck)💖

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The streets of Seoul were alive with energy as NCT 127's "Regular" era was in full swing. The neon lights of the bustling city reflected in the eyes of fans who gathered to support their favorite K-pop group. It was during this electrifying time that Jungwoo and Donghyuck's paths converged. Jungwoo, with his striking visuals and infectious smile, had become a beloved member of NCT 127. He had a charm that was hard to resist, and fans couldn't get enough of him. But the world of K-pop was not without its complexities, and fame often came at a price.

During the "Regular" era, Sicheng, a talented member who had been part of NCT 127, decided to take a different path. He left the group to join WayV, another NCT unit focused on the Chinese market. The news sent shockwaves through the fandom, leaving fans and even some fellow members with mixed feelings. Jungwoo, in particular, found it difficult to cope with Sicheng's departure. He had developed a close friendship with Sicheng during their time together in NCT 127, and the sudden change was hard to process. Fans, who are passionate and deeply invested in their idols' lives, expressed their disappointment and frustration online. Some blamed Jungwoo, even though it was a decision made by Sicheng himself.

Amidst the chaos of rumors and speculations, Donghyuck, another member of NCT 127, observed Jungwoo from a distance. Donghyuck had always been perceptive and empathetic, and he could see the toll Sicheng's departure was taking on Jungwoo.


One evening, after a particularly tough day of dealing with fan backlash and criticism, Jungwoo found himself sitting alone in the practice room. The dimmed lights cast long shadows on the mirrored walls, mirroring the uncertainty that clouded his mind. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of expectations and judgment.

Donghyuck, having noticed Jungwoo's isolation, decided to approach him. He entered the practice room quietly, not wanting to startle Jungwoo. "Hey," he said softly, a reassuring smile on his face.

Jungwoo looked up, his eyes weary and filled with a mixture of emotions. "Hey, Donghyuck," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion.

Donghyuck took a seat beside Jungwoo, the cold, hard floor beneath them providing a stark contrast to the warmth of their friendship. "You're not alone in this, you know?" he said, his voice laced with empathy.

Jungwoo sighed, his shoulders slumping as he finally allowed himself to let go of the façade he had been maintaining. "I know, but it's just so... overwhelming," he admitted, his voice trembling with vulnerability.

Donghyuck nodded, understanding the weight of those words. He had seen firsthand the pressures that came with being a K-pop idol, the constant scrutiny, and the sacrifices they had to make. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed," he said gently. "But you don't have to go through it alone. You have us, your friends."

Jungwoo appreciated Donghyuck's support, and he knew it came from a place of genuine care. He leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. "I just miss Sicheng," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Donghyuck placed a reassuring hand on Jungwoo's shoulder. "We all do," he said softly. "But he made the decision that was best for him. We have to respect that."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now