Stay With Me P.99 (Rensung)💖

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Renjun had always been one to struggle with the concept of skinship. It was a love-hate relationship that had been a part of his life ever since he could remember. As a member of a close-knit group like NCT Dream, he couldn't escape it. The other members were naturally touchy-feely, always hugging, playfully poking, or engaging in some form of physical contact. But Renjun, well, he was different.

For him, it was always a bit of a challenge. The idea of someone invading his personal space made him uncomfortable. His skin would tingle, and he'd feel a subtle shiver run down his spine whenever someone touched him unexpectedly. It wasn't that he disliked his members; in fact, he loved them all dearly. It was just that he had a particular aversion to physical contact.

Among the members, there were two exceptions to this rule - Chenle and Jisung. Renjun had always found it intriguing how he could let his guard down around those two. It wasn't that they didn't respect his boundaries, but rather that they seemed to understand his hesitation. Renjun had never really questioned it until one day, when he noticed something unusual.

It was during one of their many practices. They had been working hard on their choreography, and Renjun, as usual, was trying to focus on getting the steps right. But something caught his eye. Jisung, the youngest member of the group, was struggling with skinship, just like Renjun.

Renjun watched as Jisung flinched when another member playfully patted his back. It was a small, almost imperceptible reaction, but Renjun noticed it. He could relate to that feeling, the discomfort of someone touching you when you weren't prepared for it. It made Renjun curious about Jisung.

After practice, as they all gathered in the dressing room to cool down and chat, Renjun found himself sitting next to Jisung. He couldn't help but bring up what he had observed earlier.

"Hey, Jisung," Renjun began, trying to sound casual. "I noticed something during practice today."

Jisung, who was engrossed in his phone, looked up, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "What did you notice?"

"Well," Renjun hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should broach the subject. But curiosity got the better of him. "You seem a bit uncomfortable with skinship, too."

Jisung blinked, surprised by Renjun's observation. He glanced around the room, as if checking if anyone else had overheard. "Yeah," he admitted in a hushed tone. "I guess I am. It's just...I don't know. Sometimes it makes me feel weird."

Renjun nodded in understanding. "I get that. It's the same for me."

They shared a brief moment of silent understanding. It was as if they had uncovered a shared secret, a vulnerability they hadn't expected to find in each other. Renjun couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with Jisung in that moment.


As the days passed, Renjun and Jisung's newfound connection grew stronger. They started to gravitate towards each other during practices and rehearsals. It was almost as if they were drawn together by an invisible force, the shared struggle with skinship creating a unique bond between them.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now